Hello experts, I'm looking for help. I work for a company who develops apps, including apps for Roku, and we're getting troubles with some RokuTV's ( 8000X , ARM CPU , 512 RAM ). I'm trying to buy one of these models but I can't find where to confirm this specs. We Received a report from one Hisense TV model 43h4+ and I found one on Amazon ( 43H4G ) which I think is the correct one but not 100% sure. Can anyone help me on finding this info ? I here is the link :
Thanks in advanced!
We list technical specs of different Roku hardware models at https://developer.roku.com/docs/specs/hardware.md. However, there is no database that maps specific Roku TV models to hardware reference platforms.
The specific model you link to may be either a Midland (8000x) or Roma (D000x) device, depending on when it was manufactured.
I hope this message finds you well. I'm Prath's from India. I came across your post about the Roku TV model 8000X and noticed that you mentioned this TV model 43h4+ having the same Roku TV 8000X model. I've been searching for information on this model, and your insights would be incredibly helpful. Could you kindly confirm if the device you mentioned in your post matches the Roku TV model 8000X? Additionally, if you're comfortable sharing, may I inquire where you purchased it?
I appreciate your time and assistance!
As I said, this TV has been sold using both the Midland (8000X) and Roma (D000X) hardware platform, so you can't tell from the model number which hardware you're getting. AFAIK, no Midland TVs are currently being produced, so your best bet for getting one would be the resale market, such as eBay.
why there is always we have to disappointed with roku devices models details ? why you are not maintaining the proper datasheet ?