I immediately though this may have something to do with the
7.5 firmware timeout bug, but it sounds like it's related to the specific ca_cert you are trying to use.
Have you tested with an roUrlTransfer to see if it errors with reason? Here are a few examples of using the wrong invalid, mismatched and valid ca bundles. Note i've combined multiple code lines for easy of execution, but make it's ugly.
🙂url = "https://roku.com"
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
'' Invalid CA bundle
cert = "pkg:/certs/invalid-bundle.crt"
obj = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer"):obj.SetPort(port):obj.SetUrl(url):obj.SetCertificatesFile(cert):obj.AsyncGetToString():obj.InitClientCertificates():event = wait(0, port)
?"code=";event.GetResponseCode();" reason=";event.GetFailureReason()
code=-77 reason=error setting certificate verify locations:
CAfile: /tmp/plugin/PIAAAAKH5uUG/pkg:/certs/invalid-bundle.crt
CApath: none
'' Valid ca bundle, but wrong (not for the current url)
cert = "pkg:/certs/wrong-bundle.crt"
obj = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer"):obj.SetPort(port):obj.SetUrl(url):obj.SetCertificatesFile(cert):obj.AsyncGetToString():obj.InitClientCertificates():event = wait(0, port)
?"code=";event.GetResponseCode();" reason=";event.GetFailureReason()
code=-60 reason=SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
'' yeah... no ca file specified
cert = ""
obj = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer"):obj.SetPort(port):obj.SetUrl(url):obj.SetCertificatesFile(cert):obj.AsyncGetToString():obj.InitClientCertificates():event = wait(0, port)
?"code=";event.GetResponseCode();" reason=";event.GetFailureReason()
code=-77 reason=error setting certificate verify locations:
CApath: none
'' Default cert supplied - working
cert = "common:/certs/ca-bundle.crt"
obj = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer"):obj.SetPort(port):obj.SetUrl(url):obj.SetCertificatesFile(cert):obj.AsyncGetToString():obj.InitClientCertificates():event = wait(0, port)
?"code=";event.GetResponseCode();" reason=";event.GetFailureReason()
code= 200 reason=OK
If the two lines above are removed from the player, or if a dummy file is added to theSetCertificatesFile call then video playback works.
I can only assume the roVideoPlayer is just using the default cert when no cert is supplied to generally support https within the player.