I am using the 2.9 SDK Examples and was trying the HLS using the customvideoplayer example.
I was searching HLS in the forum and still stumped. I am on a Roku2 XS 4.1 1275.
I can get HLS to stream ok from start to end if I do not touch the remote FF or RW, but if I press the Right button to go Forward the TV shows 33%....to 99% and stays there and does not continue playing on a 23 minute video and the TV shows 99%. I used Sorenson Squeeze 7 and have all the parameters ok I believe, but my HLS stream never continues after fast forward or reverse near middle or end of clip. Any word on this? I just modified the main.brs and added my url to the example.
The Main.brs has this in my code except the -------- on my website.
Any ideas?
In my main.brs
this.player = CreateObject("roVideoPlayer")
Stream: { url: "http://www.--------.org/Rokudev/Live/testvid_DaleHLS/testvid_DaleHLS.m3u8" }
StreamFormat: "hls"
return this
End Sub
Output from 8085
------ Running ------
11, 0: startup progress
11, 66: startup progress
11, 132: startup progress
0, 0:
11, 198: startup progress
11, 264: startup progress
11, 330: startup progress
20, 0: Stream started.
11, 330: startup progress
Remote button pressed: 3
7, 3:
11, 999: startup progress
11, 999: startup progress
11, 1000: startup progress
11, 0: start of play
27, 0: HLS segment info
6, 1:
6, 2:
6, 3:
6, 4:
6, 5:
6, 6:
6, 7:
6, 8:
27, 9000: HLS segment info
6, 9:
6, 10:
6, 11:
6, 12:
6, 13:
6, 14:
6, 15:
6, 16:
6, 17:
27, 18000: HLS segment info
6, 18:
6, 19:
6, 20:
6, 21:
6, 22:
Remote button pressed: 5
7, 5:
11, 0: startup progress
20, 27: Stream started.
11, 330: startup progress
11, 464: startup progress
11, 999: startup progress
11, 999: startup progress
9,-3: An unexpected problem (but not server timeout or HTTP error) has been detected.
16, 0: Playback completed.
11, 0: end of playlist
9,-3: An unexpected problem (but not server timeout or HTTP error) has been detected.
16, 0: Playback completed.
11, 0: end of playlist
9,-3: An unexpected problem (but not server timeout or HTTP error) has been detected.
16, 0: Playback completed.
11, 0: end of playlist