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Channel Surfer

Re: HLS ABS Streaming how to.


Case sensitive was the issue MY XML was HLS in brs file was hls so it would set it as a MP4 and just play the first file in the SMIL list. I have to figure out how to tell the player its a movie then a live stream so it does not show the counter when you pause it and not show the "start from the beginning option on my live channels.
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Channel Surfer

Re: HLS ABS Streaming how to.

Also it does not matter if its High rez to low rez or the other way around it starts with the lowest stream and goes up.

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Binge Watcher

Re: HLS ABS Streaming how to.

The player will always start with the lower bitrates stream and then move up, that is just the way it works.

- Joel
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Streaming Star

Re: HLS ABS Streaming how to.

UCASE and LCASE in brightscript should resolve any case sensitivity issues you may have.
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Channel Surfer

Re: HLS ABS Streaming how to.

It works very good..

Now I just need to learn how to do


I want the "live" channels to just have a watch live or Play link in the screen with the information and not have the "Resume playing" link but want that for the movies "video on demand" stuff.

I think I need to get the content types configured correctly for that to work correct?
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Binge Watcher

Re: HLS ABS Streaming how to.

railfan -- any updates to this project? Did you figure it out, and if so... what did you do?
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Re: HLS ABS Streaming how to.

Hi guys,

I'm also having issues where Roku is stuck on the first entry of my SMIL file and does not "adapt" to any higher bitrates. Unlike Railfan, I have "hls" in lowercase in my XML file, see below:

<item sdImg="http://xxx.jpg" hdImg="http://xxx.jpg">
<title>My Test Live Broadcast</title>

<synopsis>My Test Live Broadcast</synopsis>

We are using the "VideoPlayer" sourcecode example from the SDK with no modifications to the showfeed.brs file. Can you kindly advise what you added to the showfeed.brs file that made the switching within your SMIL file work?

Many thanks for any help.
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Channel Surfer

Re: HLS ABS Streaming how to.

"MMSAdmin" wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm also having issues where Roku is stuck on the first entry of my SMIL file and does not "adapt" to any higher bitrates. Unlike Railfan, I have "hls" in lowercase in my XML file, see below:

<item sdImg="http://xxx.jpg" hdImg="http://xxx.jpg">
<title>My Test Live Broadcast</title>

<synopsis>My Test Live Broadcast</synopsis>

We are using the "VideoPlayer" sourcecode example from the SDK with no modifications to the showfeed.brs file. Can you kindly advise what you added to the showfeed.brs file that made the switching within your SMIL file work?

Many thanks for any help.

You've misspelled "adaptation" in your SwitchingStrategy. First thing to try would be correcting that.
My Channels: - Twitter: @TheEndlessDev
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Re: HLS ABS Streaming how to.

This is now resolved. Corrected the misspelled "adaption" in the XML file and added the following code to the ShowFeed.brs file to enable adaptation

If item.StreamFormat="hls"
End If

ABR working perfectly now both live and on-demand.
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