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Go Daddy Root Cert missing on Roku XD (Roku 1)

It took me a while to figure out why SSL connections were failing on the Roku 1 but working fine on the Roku 2, Roku 3, etc.

I eventually had a look at this file both on the Roku 1 and Roku 2:


This is the file that I was using to set my certificate file with this command:


To my surprise, the ca-bundle.crt file on the Roku 1 is NOT the same as the file with the same name on the Roku 2. And the important difference for me is it was missing the "Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2" but this is included in the file on newer Roku models.

The solution was to download the ca-bundle.crt file from the Roku 2 (which I named /certs/roku-common-certs.pem) and include this in my package and then refer to that file in my SetCertificatesFile command. So my new command refers to that local file like this:


Anyway, just wanted to post this in case anyone else was having a similar issue. It would be awesome if Roku could update the common:/certs/ca-bundle.crt file on the Roku 1 players. The Go Daddy certificate we're using I've got to believe is pretty common.
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Streaming Star

Re: Go Daddy Root Cert missing on Roku XD (Roku 1)

Or you could just download the certificates from GoDaddy -
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Roku Guru

Re: Go Daddy Root Cert missing on Roku XD (Roku 1)

thank you, @tmachine - that's useful info.
Legacy Rokus (model < 2200) haven't seen much love in years.
FYI - in case you haven't heard, apparently there was email recently to selected few that the Co. will be actively discontinuing the fw3 devices.
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Channel Surfer

Re: Go Daddy Root Cert missing on Roku XD (Roku 1)

"tmachine" wrote:
The solution was to download the ca-bundle.crt file from the Roku 2

It's essentially just a text file, so I'm guessing you just printed it to the debug console, but if you actually downloaded it, I'd be interested in knowing how you did that.
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