I am trying to use the global string functions in my app and I am receiving compile error messages. Do I need to include something for these functions to work? I noticed the SG example files do not have Makefiles. Do I need one with some reference to the global functions?
Here is some test code that is in my Init function of my main scene component:
'** Trim off "List" from the FilterName and add "ID"
FilterName = "CategoryList"
Pos = Instr(FilterName, 1, "List")
Key = Left (FilterName, Pos - 1) + "ID"
Here are the errors I am receiving:
--- Syntax Error. Builtin function call expected. (compile error &h9d) in pkg:/components/TestScene.xml(15)
--- Syntax Error. Builtin function call expected. (compile error &h9d) in pkg:/components/TestScene.xml(16)
I am unable to find any explanations for error messages in the documentation.
I also tried this code and received the same error messages:
'** Trim off "List" from the FilterName and add "ID"
FilterName = CreateObject ("roString")
FilterName = "CategoryList"
Pos = FilterName.Instr(1, "List")
Key = FilterName.Left (Pos) + "ID"
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.