Finally I was able to modify the original AudioPlayer example to connect to my TVersity server, to browse folders and to play MP3 songs individually or all of the songs in a given folder.
I would like to share it with the Roku community. It is not fancy but will allow to play your audio collections in the Roku DVP from a TVersity media server in your home. I am giving it As Is and with no support. If you make improvements to it please let the community know them.
You can donwload the zip file from:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3869837/tversitybrowser.zipIn order to configure it for your TVersity media server you have to modify the DoMp3() function in the file Mp3.brs provided in the TAR file: set the variable rootTVersityUrl with the IP address of the PC of the TVersity host and the path to the feed you want to start from.
To get that path open TVersity from a web browser and follows an example of how I got the feed path to my MyMusic folder:
Go to Folders and from there to MyMusic folder and click on the feed icon in the top left corner. This is the 4th icon from left to right.
Copy from the URL text box in your web browser the path to the feed and use it to modify DoMp3() as explained before.
If you add later new folders in your MyMusic folder you just need to ask TVersity to update the folder. Nothing else will need to be done in your Roku DVP. You will be able to browse in the new folders.
If you try to play a file that is not MP3 the application is protected and basically will skip the play of that file.
The GUI is very simple and I am not showing pictures of the albums but it works fine as far as I know.
Please let me know if it works for you and hope you enjoy it!