What EnTerr said is correct. If you're in England your time will be one hour off if you don't convert to local time (7 hours off if you're in Los Angeles, for example). Note this is not specifically because of the one hour daylight savings time difference, but because of the one hour GMT/Local Time difference in your case.
And if you're in Samoa, your Roku will always be off by 24 hours after calling ToLocalTime () because of a bug in the way Roku calculates local Samoa time.
But if you really want a function that tells you if your Roku is currently observing daylight savings time:
Function IsDSTNow () As Boolean
dstNow = False
tzList = {}
' diff - Local time minus GMT for the time zone
' dst - False if the time zone never observes DST
tzList ["US/Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands"] = {diff: -4, dst: False}
tzList ["US/Guam"] = {diff: -10, dst: False}
tzList ["US/Samoa"] = {diff: -11, dst: True} ' Should be 13 [Workaround Roku bug]
tzList ["US/Hawaii"] = {diff: -10, dst: False}
tzList ["US/Aleutian"] = {diff: -10, dst: True}
tzList ["US/Alaska"] = {diff: -9, dst: True}
tzList ["US/Pacific"] = {diff: -8, dst: True}
tzList ["US/Arizona"] = {diff: -7, dst: False}
tzList ["US/Mountain"] = {diff: -7, dst: True}
tzList ["US/Central"] = {diff: -6, dst: True}
tzList ["US/Eastern"] = {diff: -5, dst: True}
tzList ["Canada/Pacific"] = {diff: -8, dst: True}
tzList ["Canada/Mountain"] = {diff: -7, dst: True}
tzList ["Canada/Central Standard"] = {diff: -6, dst: False}
tzList ["Canada/Central"] = {diff: -6, dst: True}
tzList ["Canada/Eastern"] = {diff: -5, dst: True}
tzList ["Canada/Atlantic"] = {diff: -4, dst: True}
tzList ["Canada/Newfoundland"] = {diff: -3.5, dst: True}
tzList ["Europe/Iceland"] = {diff: 0, dst: False}
tzList ["Europe/Ireland"] = {diff: 0, dst: True}
tzList ["Europe/United Kingdom"] = {diff: 0, dst: True}
tzList ["Europe/Portugal"] = {diff: 0, dst: True}
tzList ["Europe/Central European Time"] = {diff: 1, dst: True}
tzList ["Europe/Greece/Finland"] = {diff: 2, dst: True}
' Get the Roku device's current time zone setting
tz = CreateObject ("roDeviceInfo").GetTimeZone ()
' Look up in our time zone list - will return Invalid if time zone not listed
tzEntry = tzList [tz]
' Return False if the current time zone does not ever observe DST, or if time zone was not found
If tzEntry <> Invalid And tzEntry.dst
' Get the current time in GMT
dt = CreateObject ("roDateTime")
secsGmt = dt.AsSeconds ()
' Convert the current time to local time
dt.ToLocalTime ()
secsLoc = dt.AsSeconds ()
' Calculate the difference in seconds between local time and GMT
secsDiff = secsLoc - secsGMT
' If the difference between local and GMT equals the difference in our table, then we're on standard time now
dstDiff = tzEntry.diff * 60 * 60 - secsDiff
If dstDiff < 0 Then dstDiff = -dstDiff
dstNow = dstDiff > 1 ' Use 1 sec not zero as Newfoundland time is a floating-point value
Return dstNow
End Function