What would be the expected behaviour for deep linking using roInputEvent while the ads are playing.
Incidentally, getting this output
RAF.err] wrapMsg() unrecognized type: got roInputEvent, expected roSGNodeEvent|roVideoPlayerEvent|roVideoScreenEvent|roAssociativeArray
Hi @andysmith1965,
When a deep link request is received during an ad break (for the same or different content), the channel should attempt to initiate an ad break to preserve the previously exited ad experience.
You can try this using the Deep Linking sample in the master sample channel and the Deep Linking Tester tool.
Thanks for the quick reply. I was attempting to stop the ad, but without success.
Should this be possible, or am I doing something wrong?
You can take a look at the Deep Linking UI logic file in the Deep Linking sample channel in the master sample for logic that can be used...I think in the sample's case, it exits all the screens upon receiving an roInput event.
Thanks for the quick response.
Actually deep linking has already been implemented.
What I am finding it hard to achieve is stopping an ad while it is playing. If I use the remote control back button, then the ad stops correctly and the player screen closes as expected. However, I cannot seem to achieve this programmatically.
Using the standard rendering call..
exitAd = not m.RAF.showAds(adPods.ads.preroll, invalid, m.view)
Even removing the renderable node doesn't stop the ad from playing.
What am I doing wrong?
Any help appreciated.