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Error going back in multi-level GridScreen

I am developing a Multi-level(like folders with subfolders or files in it) app with GridScreen, that can have Sub-gridscreen (with videos) or just the Video Files depending on the variable getContent="Yes" or "No" .
If the getContent="yes" then I am calling ShowGridScreen within itself again when the item is selected. And it works Great. But the problem is , when I pressed the GoBack button on roku, it goes to the previous Grid but throws an error on
return -1
and then nothing works, I cannot select any videos/folders again.

Can you tell me what am I doing wrong ?

Function showGridScreen(screen As Object,SourceURL as string) As string

categoryList = getCategoryList(SourceURL)
showArray = []

for i = 0 to categoryList.count()-1
channels = getShowsForCategoryItem(SourceURL,categoryList[i])
showArray[i] = channels
screen.SetContentList(i, channels)
end for

while true
msg = wait(0, m.port)
if type(msg) = "roGridScreenEvent" then
if msg.isScreenClosed() then
return -1
else if msg.isListItemFocused()
print "Focused On: " + showArray[msg.GetIndex()][msg.GetData()]["title"]
else if msg.isListItemSelected()
print "Selected: " + showArray[msg.GetIndex()][msg.GetData()]["title"]

if getcontent="Yes" then
print "We Need to retrieve Content"
print newURL
newScreen = preShowGridScreen()
print "No need to Grab Content, Playing Video"
showVideoScreen( showArray[msg.GetIndex()][msg.GetData()])
end while

end function
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Roku Guru

Re: Error going back in multi-level GridScreen

Function showGridScreen(screen As Object,SourceURL as string) As string

return -1

You can't return an Integer from a function with a return type of String. You have to either return a string, e.g. "", or change the function's return type, e.g. Dynamic, making sure that the caller of the function can handle whatever is returned.
0 Kudos

Re: Error going back in multi-level GridScreen

Thankx, return -1 changed to return "" and the error is gone.

Now I press the GoBack button at Level 2 Grid Screen, there is no error and the Level 1 GridScreen is shown, but I cannot select any of the items there. It appears that I exited all the loops.

while true
msg = wait(0, m.port)

Any idea why is this happening ?
0 Kudos

Re: Error going back in multi-level GridScreen


    while true
msg = wait(0, m.port)
if type(msg) = "roGridScreenEvent" then
if msg.isScreenClosed() then
return ""

so when msg.isScreenClosed is triggered, thats when it exits the while loop . How do I fix it ?
0 Kudos

Re: Error going back in multi-level GridScreen


Can somebody help me on this issue.
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Roku Guru

Re: Error going back in multi-level GridScreen

1. Your showGridScreen function doesn't seem like it needs to return anything, so don't; just declare the return type with As Void.
2. Replace the Return -1 or Return "" statement in your while loop with exit while.
3. Don't share message ports between your recursively-called grid screen functions. Instead, at the start of showGridScreen, use: port = CreateObject ("roMessagePort") and screen.SetMessagePort (port), then replace all occurrences of m.port with port.

Number 3 is your main problem, but the others are worth addressing to make your code more understandable.
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Re: Error going back in multi-level GridScreen

^ Thank you Very much. It solved my problem.
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