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Encryption questions **Suspected Bug**

Has anyone played much with encryption of files? I'm having success on my test file, but a failure on my actual file... I've been experimenting on this for 2 days...

Here is my test file:

Hello World!
This is a test of BrightScript encryption...
I hope I can get it to work!

Here's the command I run from my linux web server & it's response:

-bash-3.1$ openssl bf -a -A -in test.txt -out test.b64 -k RokuRocks -nosalt -p
iv =785BC65A9D7850FD

And here is my code:

html = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
ba = CreateObject("roByteArray")
result = CreateObject("roByteArray")
test = html.GetToString()
b64 = html.GetToString()
print b64
print test
' ba.fromAsciiString(test)
enc = CreateObject("roEVPCipher")
ret = enc.Setup(false, "bf", "7B1CB530521E7554D623E1412A2CF29F", "785BC65A9D7850FD", 1)
print ret
result = enc.Process(ba)
if result <> invalid then
print result.toAsciiString()
' print result.toBase64String()
print "Invalid"
end if

Running that works perfectly both ways, setup for encryption or decryption.

When I run it with my real file, I have problems. Encryption works, and appears to match. (*EDIT* I added code, and confirmed an exact match on encrypting.) Yet decryption fails, and simply prints "Invalid". I don't know if it makes any difference, but the real file is a .brs script. Also, the real file is 745 bytes, and the real encrypted file is 1004 bytes.

Ideas anyone?


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Streaming Star

Re: Encryption questions

Here's a little more info that I find quite interesting... I added one period after my name in the test file, and it still worked perfectly. Yet if I add two periods after my name in the test file, it fails...

Yes, I re-encrypted the file each time to test...


If requested, I can put these files on one of my public servers...


Upon further testing, I've confirmed that the problem exists in the decrypting. I took my actual file that I want to use, and simply base64 encoded it, and BrightScript decoded that just fine. I have tried breaking the file into pieces, using multiple Process's, and a Final... but still no luck.

Although I could write my own encrypt/decrypt routines, they wouldn't be fast enough... The only other option I see is break the original file into 95byte chunks... (128bytes once encrypted & encoded) which is the biggest file size I've gotten to decrypt correctly... but that seems excessive...

Bringing more fun to Roku!
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Re: Encryption questions

Have you tried doing a byte-by-byte comparison of the files? Could it be that the GetToString() method is somehow altering it slightly, in a non-visible way (CR/LF change)? Have you tried GetToFile and worked on the downloaded file instead?
-- GandK Labs
Check out Reversi! in the channel store!
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Streaming Star

Re: Encryption questions

To further test, I now get both the encrypted file & unencrypted file to strings.

I first take the unencrypted file, and encrypt it. Then I compare the result to the encrypted file. It matches perfectly every time.

Then I take the encrypted file, and try to decrypt it. If the original file is 95 bytes or smaller, the encrypted file will decrypt just fine. The encrypted file is 128 bytes or smaller. If it is larger, the result is Invalid.

So far, I've only been testing bf encryption.

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Streaming Star

Re: Encryption questions **Suspected Bug**

I'm giving up on the built in decryption for now... I've tried bf & des3, and I've gotten no where. Des3 gives me more problems than bf. At least bf gives me matching encryption.

I'm including the current version of my code. And I've posted my test files on my public site. I hope someone can either find my error, or confirm this is a bug.

Sub getFiles()
html = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
ba = CreateObject("roByteArray")
result = CreateObject("roByteArray")
test = html.GetToString()
b64 = html.GetToString()
des3 = html.GetToString()
print b64
print test
enc = CreateObject("roEVPCipher")
ret = enc.Setup(true, "bf", "7B1CB530521E7554D623E1412A2CF29F", "785BC65A9D7850FD", 1)
print ret
result = enc.Process(ba)
if result <> invalid then
if result.toBase64String() = b64 then
print "Good Encrypt"
print "Bad Encrypt"
end if
print "Invalid Encrypt"
end if
enc = CreateObject("roEVPCipher")
ret = enc.Setup(false, "bf", "7B1CB530521E7554D623E1412A2CF29F", "785BC65A9D7850FD", 1)
print ret
result = enc.Process(ba)
if result <> invalid then
if result.toAsciiString() = test then
print "Good Decrypt"
print "Bad Decrypt"
end if
print "Invalid Decrypt"
end if
enc = CreateObject("roEVPCipher")
ret = enc.Setup(true, "des3", "7B1CB530521E7554D623E1412A2CF29F785BC65A9D7850FD", "4A74A7EC4B95842A", 1)
print ret
result = enc.Process(ba)
if result <> invalid then
if result.toBase64String() = des3 then
print "Good Encrypt"
print "Bad Encrypt"
' Can't even get Encrypt's to match... Close, but not quite.
print des3
print result.toBase64String()
end if
print "Invalid Encrypt"
end if
enc = CreateObject("roEVPCipher")
ret = enc.Setup(false, "des3", "7B1CB530521E7554D623E1412A2CF29F785BC65A9D7850FD", "4A74A7EC4B95842A", 1)
print ret
result = enc.Process(ba)
if result <> invalid then
if result.toAsciiString() = test then
print "Good Decrypt"
print "Bad Decrypt"
end if
print "Invalid Decrypt"
end if
End Sub

My set of test files are:

For now, I will use my own home-brew encryption/decryption...

Bringing more fun to Roku!
0 Kudos

Re: Encryption questions **Suspected Bug**

I just did a simple test using your "bf" cipher, key, IV, and padding setting. Works just fine for me.

Function crypto_decrypt(decryptKey As String, IV As String, text As String) As String

crypto = CreateObject("roEVPCipher")
crypto.Setup(false, "bf",decryptKey,IV,1)
ba = CreateObject("roByteArray")
return crypto.Process(ba).ToAsciiString()

End function

Function crypto_encrypt(encryptKey As String, IV As String, text As String) As String

crypto = CreateObject("roEVPCipher")
crypto.Setup(true, "bf",encryptKey,IV,1)
ba = CreateObject("roByteArray")

return lcase(crypto.Process(ba).ToHexString())

End function

print "**************************"
print test
print "**************************"

encryptKey = "7B1CB530521E7554D623E1412A2CF29F"
IV = "785BC65A9D7850FD"
encResult = crypto_encrypt(encryptKey, IV, test)

print "**************************"
print encResult
print "**************************"

decResult = crypto_decrypt(encryptKey, IV, encResult)

print "**************************"
print decResult
print "**************************"

0 Kudos

Re: Encryption questions **Suspected Bug**

Did you ever try using gettofile() and using the exact same same method to test as your included test file? If you are assuming gettostring() will yield identical results as gettofile() , that may not be a valid assumption. I can't state one way or another definitively for the Roku, but I do know the default line ending for UNIX (\n) isn't necessarily the same as you would expect for network operations (\r\n I believe). Whereas you won't necessarily see a difference when outputting to the console, there would be a definite difference when encrypting.
-- GandK Labs
Check out Reversi! in the channel store!
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