I would like to put a porta potty on your front lawn then sell your house, because "hey they my porta potty".
its about the same.
If you make money on open source and don't give anything back, you are a leach.
http://marketplace.eclipse.org/If they want to invite porta potty manufacturers onto their lawn (perhaps because they have a large community of people hanging about that need porta potties?) I think that's their right. It only took me one minute to find a plugin there that wasn't open-licensed, I'm sure there are others that are open, and still others that aren't.
Also, serious question: if you take issue with what malloys is doing, why are you developing for Roku? They use a number of open tools for their firmware, and although they abide by the terms of the licenses for the tools they use and
do post the sources, you can't replace the firmware
because it is cryptographically signed, and thus you can't load your own code.
I like OSS, I've run linux hardware alongside Windows machines and Apples for years and I put certain bits of my code out as GPL and BSD licensed(when it makes sense to). But I don't have the ideological fixation that everyone else's code has to be open too. I am glad to see malloys get a paycheck for his work, and for the Roku development community to (hopefully soon) have access to such a useful tool, apparently with official support now.
BTW, Hi mig! You probably wouldn't remember me, but I was a forum mod back in the wa3 days and hung about lol picking up code tips (and new swears) from you and the other gurus :). Long time no see!
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