I've been using the query apps ability in my channel (snippet below), and it always worked, but since the XML was missing the header, I had to manually add '<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?> ' to the beginning of the string to get roXMLElement to properly parse the response.
Suddenly this missing header seems fixed, which is of course now breaking that section of code.
I am running version 7 of the software (the object graph beta), is this a coming fix that I am just bumping into early or was accidentally included?
I can easily adjust for this in my code by adding the header only if needed, but that requires a channel resubmission and the associated QA and so on. So if this is a version 7 issue only, then I know I don't have an issue in the field I need to be reacting to, and don't need to jump off on a channel upgrade prematurely.
HTTP = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
XML.Parse("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?> "+HTTP.GetToString())