My question is to developers that have channels published -
do you obfuscate your channel code, as in making it cryptic (by say running it through utility to rename all variables and functions and pack up the code)? And what is the opinion of Roku Inc on such practice?
It seems obvious to me that a packaged channel still contains the BrightScript source intact inside, so it can be run on the players - but that also makes it accessible for direct review by Roku Inc (as well to any third party that can breach the bundle encryption). This is in contrast with development for iOS and Android, where code get compiled to ARM binary or p-code (and thus less susceptible to analysis).
I think the vague talk about magic encryption that keeps developers secrets safe is just a veil over the reality that any sensitive information (like private keys and passwords inside the code) is in plain view to Roku Inc (and possibly third party). As developers are you bothered by it?