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Direct Publisher to SDK info

Hello to all,

I need 3 information, I have a direct publisher channel and now I would like to make it an SDK channel.
I noticed that there is a "convert to SDK channel" entry in the channel options, if I click on a message that says "Converting to channel will retain any existing installs and after you publish the converted channel as an update ".
This means that existing users will continue to use the direct publisher channel until the sdk version is approved, but who looks for my channel will find it in the store? (The direct publisher version)
When the sdk version is accepted, will the update be notified to the user who already has the application?
If the sdk version is not accepted by roku, it is possible to block the conversion and continue with publisher direct (in case you want to provide new content anyway, waiting to fix the sdk version)?

I hope you can help me and thank you in advance
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Re: Direct Publisher to SDK info

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