I wish to say upfront that, while I'm functionally computer savvy, I am not a developer, either professionally or as a hobbyist. If my idea is even possible, my hope is to muddle through it and learn from doing.
I'm just wondering about third-party content in general--content streamed in browsers, typically, and supplied by organizations such as television channels, online news magazines, and so on, but not formally offered through the Roku interface.
What I'm not talking about is marketing or distributing or in any way monetizing content that is provided by somebody else. I'm looking simply to develop something that would make it possible to stream content offered for free on a given webpage, through the Roku instead. I suppose if something beyond that were possible/legal/desirable I would consider it. But for the time being I am only looking to set something up for my own use.
Can this be done? If so, what key resources or information do I need to know about the source of the stream?
I appreciate your advice, thanks!