I also use notepad++ (on Windows 7)
To side-load my channel I set up a file, deploy.bat, in my top-level channel directory (the directory containing the source directory and manifest file, etc.), containing:
if exist deploy.bat (set devdir=".") else (set devdir="..")
7z u -x!deploy.bat -x!dev.zip %devdir%/dev.zip %devdir%/*
curl -s -S -F "archive=@%devdir%/dev.zip" -F "mysubmit=Replace"
To use this, I have
7-Zip installed to compress my channel files into a zip file (dev.zip) and
curl installed to copy the zipped file to my Roku ( You'll also need to ensure your PATH environment variable includes the program directories for 7z and curl (or use the full filenames).
Then in notepad++ I set up a run command:
Plugins>Plugin Manager>Show Plugin Manager>check NppExec>Install
Plugins>NppExec>check Follow $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)
Run>Run...>deploy.bat>Save...>Name:Deploy; CTRL+D
Now all I have to do to deploy my development channel to my Roku from notepad++ is hit CTRl-D. This will work if I'm editing a file in the top-level channel directory (e.g. the manifest file) or any of the immediately subordinate directories (e.g. something in the source directory).
You can also set up notepad++ to perform syntax highighting of your BrightScript code:
Settings>Style Configurator ..., Language : VB/VBS, add brs as a user ext., then add in any some more user-defined keywords (by selecting Style: WORD): endif void invalid float dynamic.