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Detecting button focus


Is there any way on the SpringBoard screen to detect button focus? Like if you have
Play from beginning
Go back

and the customer pressed the down arrow on the remote so now they're highlighting Play from beginning, but haven't clicked it yet, I'd like to be able to get the index of this.

My first thought was just to prepopulate an array index of available buttons and check it in isRemoteKeyPressed and just say if the current index equals the array count, keep it at the max, otherwise iterate one. I was hoping for a built-in method though.
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Streaming Star

Re: Detecting button focus

If you have more than two buttons on the springboard, if the user holds down the down or up on the remote it will auto-advance until they release the button.
It's reliable to check when they select an option, otherwise you get into timing issues and trying to code elaborate handling for what you're trying to do here which increases complexity and reduces return on your programming time investment.
A custom created springboard using roImageCanvas or roScreen would allow you the functionality you want - but again, takes longer to set up.
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