"Komag" wrote:
I think 30 seconds, even 5 seconds, it just too long. Roku needs to guarantee that users will have a clean Roku experience. I would think 1s or maybe 2s is as long as most people will accept without feeling like something is wrong and, even if it cleared up after 5s, feeling annoyed and negative toward their Roku. It MUST be reliable and FAST.
So, would 1s-2s be enough to send a quick exit diagnostic or data?
I agree, 30 seconds is far too long for a correctly behaving app. I only suggested such a high number to give some lenience in case the exit handler needs to issue a network request or some such potentially long task. But, that would be for the developer to decide: "Does my app become unresponsive if I do this?". If the developer cares about the quality of his/her channel, they will make sure the exit handler executes quickly.
I really don't think Roku should be making this decision entirely based on bad developers. The public channel approval process should catch applications that do not shutdown cleanly, and simply not be approved if they fail. Private apps are installed at the user's own risk. That's how Roku currently "guarantee(s) that users will have a clean Roku experience". Given the fact that the Roku firmware can be crashed from brightscript with regular application code [1][2], the approval process is the only thing preventing
bad code from getting to users. Why not just include a shutdown test to the approval process? Private apps can continue doing whatever the heck they want; some might be crap, but that's no different from today.
I fully agree that the Roku experience should be reliable and fast, and that channels which fail to shutdown quickly are
not good, but if they don't become public, I don't see how it makes any difference to the overall Roku experience.
It should also be noted that writing a clean exit handler isn't exactly rocket science -- I imagine very few channels would actually suffer from the whole "infinite loop on shutdown" problem.