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Creating a private channel / networking Roku.

I am looking for a way to stream video from the internet onto my bigscreen using wireless home network. I read about how to do so with an xbox and WMP. Has any one done so using Roku player and a private channel?
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Re: Creating a private channel / networking Roku.

Search Roksbox on the Forum or just look at this Private Channel Database and get details for several others including Roksbox:

Have fun.

PS: If you want, If you have the Roku XR you can also use the "USB Channel" from Thenowhereman to play Videos/Music/Photos via the USB port on the back of your Roku:
I don't claim to be Undeniably Right. Most of my answers are based off of Pure fact, but Some are the Personal Opinions of Myself. Please take them in stride and don't Flame me if I get Something wrong.
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Re: Creating a private channel / networking Roku.

Thanks for the tips. I looked them over and decided that it may not be what I really need. Maybe my post was not specific enough; I watched a video from Microsoft on how to stream Windows Media Player to a tv via an xbox; which is more along the lines of what I would like to do rather than create a video library, I would like to be able to stream video from the WMP, Comcast Xfinity, etc. There is quite a bit of prerecorded video like that avaialable. I know I can just hookup a vga cable or another hardline, I want to stream what is on my comuter screen to the tv via Roku. njdc
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Re: Creating a private channel / networking Roku.

RoksBox Does that by using an ftp server but you have to remember that the Roku only plays unprotected MP4s and WMVs this way.
I don't claim to be Undeniably Right. Most of my answers are based off of Pure fact, but Some are the Personal Opinions of Myself. Please take them in stride and don't Flame me if I get Something wrong.
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