Hello everybody,
In the SDK, there is this example :
font = fontReg.Get("LCDMono",36,50,false) ' 36pt, 50 is normal weight, no italics
I suppose the second figure represents the fact that the font is bold or not. Am i wrong? If no, why a value, and not a boolean like italics? How do you know which value to chose?
Thank you.
I managed to get text shown on a roScreen with default settings, but when i create my font nothing appears. Is there something i am missing? I created a "fonts" folder and copied the ttf files from my windows in it.
my_font = CreateObject("roFontRegistry")
my_font.Get("calibri", 14, 50, false)
bitmap.DrawRect(x, y, 300, 50, &h00000000)
bitmap.DrawText(Final_Array[i][j], x, y, &hFFFFFFFF, my_font)
screen.DrawObject(0, 0, bitmap)
Thank you.