"spottedmahn" wrote:
Thanks campbellwang!
I've created a CDNTwo account and subscribed to one of the feeds.
It seemed to work great but then about 25 mins in to the video it had to rebuffer and then it kept doing that over and over, about every 10 seconds. After 10 rebuffers in about a min or so I gave up.
I tried watching two more videos and had the same issue around 20 mins in or so. I see three main points of failure: my internet connection which tends to drop from about 30secs every hour or so, the Channel9 site and the CDNTwo channel not recovering properly from a loss of video.
Any thoughts on how to debug?
The first place to start is to play an item from one of their feeds in Windows Media Player or QuickTime player.
This is a good way to test the file and your connection.
Please send us an email once you have tested. We can better support you via our email.
Thank you.
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