I am using the Wowza HLS stream for live programs on my channel that is already present on the channel store. Current, chunk size is 2 sec for the stream.
Sometimes, it is reported that some programs are just showing loader and doesn't able to start the stream.
Whenever such happens, it remains for a few minutes or hours and then again starts playing normally.
But, at the same moment when this issue occurs, the same program having the same configuration, plays on other platforms without any issue, but not on Roku.
I have added logs in the application, but the video player doesn't throw an error state.
Is there any way to figure out what is the main cause behind it?
Can it be something related to 2-sec chunk size, as,
- Roku recommends media chunk duration between 4 and 6 seconds for DASH and HLS streams and 2 seconds for Smooth.
Please share your views if you can help in any way in this.