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Cant parse feed

I've validated the xml files, but I keep getting these error messages

Compiled successfully
------ Running ------
created feed connection for
Took: 53ms
Can't parse feed
BrightScript Micro Debugger.
Enter any BrightScript statement, debug commands, or HELP.

Current Function:
034: Function get_category_names(categories As Object) As Dynamic
036:     categoryNames = CreateObject("roArray", 100, true)
038:     for each category in
039:         'print category.Title
040:         categoryNames.Push(category.Title)
041:     next
043:     return categoryNames
045: End Function
Syntax Error. (runtime error &h02) in .../pkg:/source/feedcategory.brs(38)
038:     for each category in
Function get_category_names(categories As Object) As Dynamic
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/EGAAAAR4ZpT6/pkg:/source/feedcategory.brs(38)
Function initcategorylist() As Void
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/EGAAAAR4ZpT6/pkg:/source/Mainmenu.brs(134)
Function showhomescreen(screen As Dynamic) As Integer
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/EGAAAAR4ZpT6/pkg:/source/Mainmenu.brs(39)
Function main() As Void
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/EGAAAAR4ZpT6/pkg:/source/appMain.brs(20)

Local Variables:
categories &h0010 bsc:roInvalid, refcnt=1
global   &h0020 rotINTERFACE:ifGlobal
m        &h0010 bsc:roAssociativeArray, refcnt=3
categorynames &h0010 bsc:roArray, refcnt=1
category &h0000 <uninitialized> val:Uninitialized
BrightScript Debugger>

Any ideas? I tried hosting it on Google drive and Dropbox but I get the same errors for both.
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Roku Guru

Re: Cant parse feed

for each category in categories
0 Kudos

Re: Cant parse feed

everytime you open a while, an inf and a for or for each

you have to close it.

try adding a "end for" in line 41 and replace it with the next you have, let me know if that solved your problem.

And actually the compiler tells you the error.. which in this case is: "Syntax Error."

your syntaxis is off, thats because you didnt close a for loop.
0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: Cant parse feed

"Next" is the same as "End For", so it was in the top code posting for the thread.
If has something in it then it ought to be ok there...
0 Kudos

Re: Cant parse feed

"destruk" wrote:
"Next" is the same as "End For", so it was in the top code posting for the thread.
If has something in it then it ought to be ok there...

wouldnt hurt to try the end for anyway hehehe

i didnt know about the next, and i try not to learn specifics about a language like next that i knows its only particular for brightscript.

end for on the other hand i just see it in my mind as a { } hehehe
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Cant parse feed

"destruk" wrote:

If has something in it then it ought to be ok there...

It doesn't.
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Cant parse feed

Terse as he was, belltown is correct.
The exact error message is not helpful - but I am fairly sure categories is invalid (to test after this error, in console just type `? type(categories), categories` ).

Luckily we have the reason in console dump too - @lbell, instead of ... sp=sharing
try using ... t=download
Instead of the original xml file, you were getting some html page to edit the file
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Cant parse feed

Yes, at least 3 separate issues here:

1. The xml would not parse because of what EnTerr said. You can see from the debug output that 'categories' is invalid:

Local Variables:
categories &h0010 bsc:roInvalid, refcnt=1

2. Even if it did parse, the 'categories' element contains no 'kids' children, only 'category' children, which is why you need to replace:

for each category in


for each category in categories.category

(slight correction from what I said in my first reply).

3. Also, since 'title' is an attribute of 'category', not a child element, you cannot get its text from category.Title; you have to use category@title. Even if it were a child element, you still couldn't get the text using category.Title; in that case you'd need category.Title.GetText ()
0 Kudos

Re: Cant parse feed

My hosting was bad. My friend let me use his website to host the xml file and everything worked! I didn't have to change the code at all!
Thanks guys!
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