buttons="["   Play   ","   Stop   "]"
"jedashford" wrote:
Thank you. I'll give this a try. I'm worried a solution like this wont scale well with different screen resolutions. We'll find out...
<Label id="itemLabel" horizAlign="center" />
"joetesta" wrote:
I think I got this to work by having a Label that's a child element of the button, (and the same width) and the label text can be centered with;<Label id="itemLabel" horizAlign="center" />
If anyone else stumbles on this, this solution would've required a lot more work for me, dealing with changing the color of the Label when the button gains and loses focus. While hokey, this little utility function fixed the problem for me:
sub centerButtonLabel(button as object) for i = 0 to button.getChildCount() - 1 child = button.getChild(i) if child.subtype() = "Label" child.horizAlign = "center" end if end for end sub
I just call this in the onVisible for my screen. Works like a charm. Should Roku just support this as a property on the stock Button? Yes.
Ok here's a better solution since horizAlign appears to get reverted when the button text is changed. Use this component instead:
<component name="CenteredButton" extends="Button"> <script type="text/brightscript"> <![CDATA[ sub init() ' Find the label for i = 0 to m.top.getChildCount() - 1 child = m.top.getChild(i) if child.subtype() = "Label" child.horizAlign = "center" child.observeField("horizAlign", "onHorizAlignChanged") exit for end if end for end sub sub onHorizAlignChanged(msg as object) label = msg.getRoSGNode() if label.horizAlign <> "center" label.horizAlign = "center" end if end sub ]]> </script> </component>
You can use below xml to make it center
With that method it looks fine until the button gets focus. Once that happens the label text color doesn't invert so I get an all white button where you can't see the label.