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07:56 AM
Building Slideshow Channel
I am looking to do a very simple channel that will remain private. I run operations for a restaurant chain and I want to utilize a tv at each location for showing marketing initiatives and merchandise. I have images hosted publicly on our web host.
I am a complete noob when it comes to developing on roku. This seems like the best way to accomplish what I am looking to do. I want to point the channel to a folder on our server and have the channel load all the images in the folder and show them in a slideshow.
**Problem I am trying to solve**
Our teams currently have jump drives plugged in to their tv's and the images are outdated and hard to manage. I would like to load the new images into a folder on our host and the channel would read the images on the server and play them as a slideshow.
I hope this is clear and any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have my developer account setup, I have developer mode enabled on my Roku 3 and I am at the point where I am unclear on how to structure files and build the channel to point it at the folder on my server. From their, I am able to zip the folder and upload to my roku for testing. Thanks again in advance for any help provided.
I am a complete noob when it comes to developing on roku. This seems like the best way to accomplish what I am looking to do. I want to point the channel to a folder on our server and have the channel load all the images in the folder and show them in a slideshow.
**Problem I am trying to solve**
Our teams currently have jump drives plugged in to their tv's and the images are outdated and hard to manage. I would like to load the new images into a folder on our host and the channel would read the images on the server and play them as a slideshow.
I hope this is clear and any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have my developer account setup, I have developer mode enabled on my Roku 3 and I am at the point where I am unclear on how to structure files and build the channel to point it at the folder on my server. From their, I am able to zip the folder and upload to my roku for testing. Thanks again in advance for any help provided.
Roku Guru
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12:34 PM
Re: Building Slideshow Channel
Here's a simple channel to get you started.
Create an Xml file containing the list of image urls on your server, e.g:
Use this channel code to read the Xml file from your server (or from your local channel pkg: directory), and display the images in a slideshow:
It shouldn't be too hard to write a script on your server to read a folder and generate the Xml file from its contents.
Create an Xml file containing the list of image urls on your server, e.g:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TextOverlayBody>Cute Kitten #1</TextOverlayBody>
<TextOverlayBody>Cute Kitten #2</TextOverlayBody>
<TextOverlayBody>Cute Kitten #3</TextOverlayBody>
<TextOverlayBody>Cute Kitten #4</TextOverlayBody>
<TextOverlayBody>Cute Kitten #5</TextOverlayBody>
<TextOverlayBody>Cute Kitten #6</TextOverlayBody>
Use this channel code to read the Xml file from your server (or from your local channel pkg: directory), and display the images in a slideshow:
Sub Main ()
'content = getContent ("pkg:/xml/kittens.xml")'
content = getContent ("")
displayUI (content)
End Sub
Function getContent (path As String) As Object
content = {}
content.period = 0
content.textOverlayIsVisible = False
content.textOverlayHoldTime = 0
content.contentList = []
contentData = getPath (path)
xml = CreateObject ("roXmlElement")
If xml.Parse (contentData)
content.period = getXml (xml, "period").ToInt ()
content.textOverlayIsVisible = LCase (getXml (xml, "TextOverlayIsVisible")) = "true"
content.textOverlayHoldTime = getXml (xml, "TextOverlayHoldTime").ToInt ()
For Each item In xml.item
content.contentList.Push ({
Url: getXml (item, "Url")
TextOverlayBody: getXml (item, "TextOverlayBody")
TextOverlayUL: ""
TextOverlayUR: ""
End For
Print "Xml failed to parse"
End If
Return content
End Function
Function getXml (xml As Object, elementName As String) As String
returnValue = ""
elementList = xml.GetNamedElementsCI (elementName)
If elementList.Count () > 0
returnValue = elementList [0].GetText ()
End If
Return returnValue
End Function
Function getPath (path As String) As String
data = ""
http = "http"
If LCase (Left (path, Len (http))) = http
ut = CreateObject ("roUrlTransfer")
ut.SetUrl (path)
data = ut.GetToString ()
data = ReadAsciiFile (path)
End If
Return data
End Function
Function displayUI (content As Object) As Void
port = CreateObject ("roMessagePort")
ui = CreateObject ("roSlideShow")
ui.SetMessagePort (port)
If content.textOverlayIsVisible
ui.SetTextOverlayHoldTime (content.textOverlayHoldTime)
End If
ui.SetPeriod (content.period)
ui.SetContentList (content.contentList)
ui.Show ()
While True
msg = Wait (0, port)
If Type (msg) = "roSlideShowEvent"
If msg.IsScreenClosed ()
Exit While
Else If msg.IsRemoteKeyPressed ()
key = msg.GetIndex ()
If key = 0 ' Back Button '
ui.Close ()
Else If key = 6 ' OK Button '
ui.Close ()
End While
End Function
It shouldn't be too hard to write a script on your server to read a folder and generate the Xml file from its contents.
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07:46 AM
Re: Building Slideshow Channel
Thank you very much. Will test this out today. I will also look in to how I can make a script to generate the xml based on images in a folder.
Roku Guru
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10:18 AM
Re: Building Slideshow Channel
"keeganlanier" wrote:
I will also look in to how I can make a script to generate the xml based on images in a folder.
If your server has php you can use the following script. Make sure you set up the $server and $folder variables correctly, then change your main.brs file so that it points to the php script on your server.
// Define your server name here
$server = 'http://localhost';
// Define the path to your image folder here, relative to your server's document root
$folder = '/blahblah/blah';
// Get the path to your server's document root
$documentRoot = $_SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
// Get a list of all file names in your image folder
$fileArray = scandir ($documentRoot.$folder);
$xml = new XMLWriter();
$xml->setIndent(true); // For testing
$xml->writeElement('Period', '10');
$xml->writeElement('TextOverlayIsVisible', 'True');
$xml->writeElement('TextOverlayHoldTime', '2000');
foreach ($fileArray as $fileName) {
$ext = pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
// Only handle image files
if ($ext === 'jpg' || $ext === 'jpeg' || $ext ==='png' || $ext === 'gif') {
$xml->writeElement('TextOverlayBody', $fileName);
$xml->writeElement('Url', "$server$folder/$fileName");
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12:54 PM
Re: Building Slideshow Channel
Hey Belltown, thanks for this code, it works GREAT!!
I wondering if there's any way to reload the XML file periodically so that new items in the XML would show up?? I realize this will happen if I exit the channel and re-enter it, but it would be nice to have a solution that would run automatically.
I wondering if there's any way to reload the XML file periodically so that new items in the XML would show up?? I realize this will happen if I exit the channel and re-enter it, but it would be nice to have a solution that would run automatically.
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10:02 AM
Re: Building Slideshow Channel
Hi guys,
Great advise and tutorial. I have a similar issue. However my need is different.
The restaurant owner has several TVs, and I need to create a channel with several options within. Theoretically, each option will select a different slideshow (from web server folders) remotely. Also, some options might have a non ending video playing looping.
I need the options to be in a grid style. Is this possible, any advice.
Great advise and tutorial. I have a similar issue. However my need is different.
The restaurant owner has several TVs, and I need to create a channel with several options within. Theoretically, each option will select a different slideshow (from web server folders) remotely. Also, some options might have a non ending video playing looping.
I need the options to be in a grid style. Is this possible, any advice.
Roku Guru
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11:05 AM
Re: Building Slideshow Channel
"calengineer" wrote:
Is this possible, any advice.
Yes, it's certainly possible. My advice would be to start learning how to develop Roku channels.
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09:42 PM
Re: Building Slideshow Channel
"belltown" wrote:"calengineer" wrote:
Is this possible, any advice.
Yes, it's certainly possible. My advice would be to start learning how to develop Roku channels.
Hi, I got everything ready but I'm having difficulties with the .brs file. Any suggestions on how to set it up correctly?