Did you read the thread?! The solution has already been posted.
Yes I read. Please, can you simply suggest what code changes, I have to do and where to fix this error.
You must be new to development. One cant simply suggest what code change must be made without seeing your code. 🙂
Please study this sample. This implementation passes the static analysis tool and you can model your solution based on that.
Weird I'm using this exact way to create and handle channelstore but I'm still getting this error. I'm implementing a TVOD channel so my logic is from tvod-sample-master from here
I also have authentication built into the channel when user tries to play a paid content. I don't understand what could cause this issue
Its been a couple of months, so the exact details are sketchy.
I was following this sample to create the in app purchase (without login):
After completing the app, I could not pass static analysis until I made the channel store node a global rather than a member variable.
m.global.AddField("channelStore", "node", false) m.global.channelStore = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ChannelStore")
Does anyone have example for Screensaver (RunScreenSaver())? I have tried to create and handle channelstore as suggested here but it's not working for screensaver case. Any ideas?
If you intend to handle in channel billing for a screensaver you will need to add a "RunScreenSaverSettings" entry point. This will available on the system screensaver chooser. Otherwise if you want the channel to be a one time purchase, just set it in the dev portal monitization option.