<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<component name="CustomMarkupGrid" extends="MarkupGrid" >
<script type="text/brightscript" >
function init()
print "in markup grid init()"
m.top.itemComponentName = "SimpleGridItem"
m.top.numRows = 3
m.top.numColumns = 1
m.top.itemSize = "[200, 200]"
m.top.itemSpacing = "[4,6]"
m.top.vertFocusAnimationStyle = "floatingFocus"
data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
item = data.CreateChild("ContentNode")
item.HDPOSTERURL = "http://orig03.deviantart.net/e9be/f/2009/079/e/d/aimp2_icon_128x128_by_vicing.png"
item.PRICE = "25.99"
item.width = "200"
item.height = "200"
item = data.CreateChild("ContentNode")
item.HDPOSTERURL = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Opml-icon-128x128.png"
item.PRICE = "19.99"
item.width = "200"
item.height = "200"
item = data.CreateChild("ContentNode")
item.HDPOSTERURL = "http://orig03.deviantart.net/e9be/f/2009/079/e/d/aimp2_icon_128x128_by_vicing.png"
item.PRICE = "19.99"
item.width = "300"
item.height = "300"
m.top.content = data
m.top.visible = true
print "has focus:"
print m.top.hasFocus()
m.top.ObserveField("itemSelected", "onItemSelected")
m.top.ObserveField("itemFocused", "onitemFocused")
end function
function onitemFocused() as void
print "item itemFocused"
print m.top.itemFocused
end function
function onItemSelected() as void
print "item selected"
print m.top.itemSelected
end function
function onKeyEvent(key as String, press as Boolean) as Boolean
handled = false
print "Channel Zapper: " + key
if press
if key = "left"
print "key press left"
end if
end if
return handled
end function
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<component name="SimpleGridItem" extends="Group">
<field id="width" type="float" onChange="widthChanged"/>
<field id="height" type="float" onChange="heightChanged"/>
<field id="itemContent" type="node" onChange="itemContentChanged"/>
<script type="text/brightscript" >
function itemContentChanged()
print "itemContentChanged"
m.gridPoster.uri = m.top.itemContent.HDPOSTERURL
print "m.top.itemContent.HDPOSTERURL"
print m.top.itemContent.PRICE
print m.top.itemContent.HDPOSTERURL
if m.top.itemContent.GOTITEMCONTENT
m.priceBox.visible = false
m.priceLabel.visible = false
m.ownedIcon.visible = true
m.priceLabel.text = m.top.itemContent.PRICE
m.priceBox.visible = true
m.priceLabel.visible = true
m.ownedIcon.visible = false
end if
end function
function widthChanged()
end function
function heightChanged()
end function
function updateLayout()
print "updateLayout"
if m.top.height > 0 and m.top.width > 0
print "got inside updateLayout"
posterSize = m.top.height
m.gridPoster.width = m.top.width
m.gridPoster.height = m.top.height
' position the ownedIcon in the bottom/right corner
m.ownedIcon.translation = [ m.top.width - m.ownedIcon.bitmapWidth, m.top.height - m.ownedIcon.bitmapHeight ]
m.priceBox.width = m.top.width
m.priceBox.height = m.ownedIcon.bitmapHeight
m.priceBox.translation = [ 0, m.top.height - m.priceBox.height ]
m.priceLabel.width = m.top.width
m.priceLabel.height = m.priceBox.height
m.priceLabel.vertAlign = "center"
m.priceLabel.horizAlign = "center"
m.priceLabel.translation = m.priceBox.translation
end if
end function
function init()
m.gridPoster = m.top.findNode("gridPoster")
m.priceBox = m.top.findNode("priceBox")
m.priceLabel = m.top.findNode("priceLabel")
m.ownedIcon = m.top.findNode("ownedIcon")
m.ownedIcon.loadSync = true
m.ownedIcon.uri = "http://arts.dartmouth.edu/assets/green-check.png"
end function
<Poster id="gridPoster" />
<Rectangle id="priceBox" color="0x00000080" />
<Label id="priceLabel" text="text here" />
<Poster id="ownedIcon" />
"edskitter" wrote:
I am trying to set up a markup grid from the documentation and unable to setFocus on the actual grid. Key presses are not handled and I was wondering if anyone has gotten this to work or what I am doing wrong. The 3 nodes are rendered but key presses are not handled.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<component name="SimpleRowListScene" extends="Scene" initialFocus="theRowList" >
<SimpleRowList id="theRowList" translation="[50,50]" />
"edskitter" wrote:
How would keep persistent data ( i.e. login information ) as roRegistry is not allowed in the Graph components?
sub getContent()
if m.top.registryaction = "read"
if RegRead("login", "AppLogin")=invalid OR RegRead("password", "AppLogin")=invalid
m.top.registrycontent = "Not Found"
m.top.registrycontent = "CREDENTIALS FOUND"
print RegRead("login", "AppLogin")
print RegRead("password", "AppLogin")
end if
end if
if m.top.registryaction = "delete"
RegDelete("login", "AppLogin")
RegDelete("password", "AppLogin")
m.top.registrycontent = "DELETED!!!!!"
end if
end sub
'Registry Helper Functions
Function RegRead(key, section=invalid)
if section = invalid then section = "Default"
sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
if sec.Exists(key) then return sec.Read(key)
return invalid
End Function
Function RegWrite(key, val, section=invalid)
if section = invalid then section = "Default"
sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
sec.Write(key, val)
sec.Flush() 'commit it
End Function
Function RegDelete(key, section=invalid)
if section = invalid then section = "Default"
sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
End Function
"juantwc" wrote:
Having the same problem.
Setting the focus on the scene using initialFocus also doesn't work. Or maybe i am doing it wrong?
As a suggestion i would say when creating documentation please make sure things actually work. It's confusing for new developers when it doesn't or there is some hidden step involved.
"edskitter" wrote:
Could Roku post an example with multiple scenes and how to navigate between them?
sub runselectedexample()
examplecontent = m.examplespanel.grid.content.getChild(m.examplespanel.grid.itemSelected)
component = examplecontent.shortdescriptionline2
m.top.overhang.optionsAvailable = false
m.top.overhang.visible = false
m.top.panelset.visible = false
m.banner.visible = false
m.banner.control = "stop"
' m.top.backgroundURI = "pkg:/images/rsgetbgdark.jpg"
m.currentexample = createObject("RoSGNode",component)
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as String,press as Boolean) as Boolean
if press then
if key = "back"
if not (m.currentexample = invalid)
m.currentexample = invalid
' m.top.backgroundURI = "pkg:/images/rsgetbg.jpg"
m.banner.control = "start"
m.banner.visible = true
m.top.overhang.optionsAvailable = true
m.top.overhang.visible = true
m.top.panelset.visible = true
return true
end if
else if key = "options"
if (m.top.overhang.optionsAvailable = true)
dialog = createObject("RoSGNode","Dialog")
dialog.title = "Example Options"
m.buttons = [ "Show Code", "Show Example", "Show Instructional Video" ]
dialog.buttons = m.buttons
m.top.dialog = dialog
end if
end if
end if
return false
end function
"mrkjffrsn" wrote:
Hi Everyone, I ran into an issue while using the getChild() from a node. It seems to return child nodes which do not exist within the parent node.
"RokuRobB" wrote:
The SimpleRowList.zip sample has been fixed.
function init()
m.theRowList = m.top.FindNode("theRowList")
end function