On system v7.0 I could Observe few fields, Load data from memory, server, etc. and then unobserve it and modify without any callbacks. Then I updated to 7.1 and after calling obj.unobserveField("field") -- I got nothing, It doesn't work. Tested on Roku 3 and Roku Stick.
I load settings from registry, and then modify to save it:
sub init()
m.Settings.action = "read"
m.Settings.ObserveField("value", "SettingsLoaded")
m.Settings.control = "RUN"
end sub
sub SettingsLoaded()
m.value = m.Settings.value
end sub
sub ChangeSettings()
m.Settings.action = "write"
m.Settings.value = m.value REM this calls SettingsLoaded, even when field is unobserved.
m.Settings.control = "RUN"
end sub