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Bash script interface for the roku web interface.

Edit: Added rekey function due to popular demand!
Edit Added lazy replace function

With these scripts you should not have to touch the web interface ever again.
The only function I left out was replace. Edit Added lazy replace function
Replace is just deleting then uploading so I did not see a need to implement it.
If someone needs a replace script just say so and I will crank one out.
Here are the funcitons.
uproku: uploads zip file to roku
delroku: deletes the zip file on the roku.
packageroku: takes a already uploaded zip file and turns it into a package and downloads it.
inspectroku: uploads and inspects a package from your harddrive and gives you relevant info on it.
rekeyroku: uploads a package and load its key

#this is all the current functions.

#this uploads a zip file to the roku

uproku ()
if [ "$1" ] && [ "$2" ]; then
uagent='Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)';
curl --silent --show-error --user-agent "$uagent" --form archive=@$1 --form "mysubmit=Replace" "http://$2/plugin_install" |grep "Application Received:"|tr '>' '\n'|tail -n 1 ;
echo "size on disk is $(ls -alb $1 |awk '{ print $5 }') bytes ";
echo -e "this willupload a zip to a roku, you inputed too few arguments format is\nuproku zipname IPaddress_of_ROKU ";

#this deletes a zip file from the roku

delroku ()
if [ "$1" ]; then
uagent='Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)';
curl --silent --show-error --user-agent "$uagent" --form "archive=" --form 'mysubmit=Delete' "http://$1/plugin_install" |grep Delete|tr '>' '\n'|tail -n 1 ;
echo -e "this program will delete a zip from the roku, you inputed two few arguments format is\nuproku zipname IPaddress_of_ROKU ";

#lazy replace function uses same parameters as uproku in the same order.
replaceroku ()
delroku "$2" ;
uproku "$1" "$2" ;

#this takes an already uploaded zip file on the roku and converts it into a package then downloads the package to the current directory.

packageroku ()
uagent='Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)';
ftime=$(($(date +'%s')*1000)) ;
if [ "$1" ] && [ "$2" ] && [ "$3" ] && [ ${#1} -lt 32 ]; then
purl=$(curl --silent --show-error --user-agent "$uagent" --form "app_name=$1" --form "passwd=$2" --form "pkg_time=$ftime" --form "mysubmit=Package" "http://$3/plugin_package" |grep "href"|grep -v "plugin_inspect\|plugin_install"|awk -F 'href="' '{ print $2 }'|tr '"' '\n'|head -n1 😉 ;
wget http://$3/$purl ;
echo -e "this will take an existing zip file on the roku and turn it into a package, either app name too large or you inputed two few arguments format is\npackageroku appname dev_password IPaddress_of_ROKU ";

#this will inspect a already packaged package, it will show various pieces of information about the package.

inspectroku ()
if [ "$1" ] && [ "$2" ] && [ "$3" ]; then
uagent='Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)';
output=$(curl --silent --show-error --user-agent "$uagent" --form archive=@$1 --form "passwd=$2" --form "mysubmit=Inspect" "http://$3/plugin_inspect") ;
pdate=$(date --date "Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 +0000 + $(( $(echo $output|awk -F 'Date\\(' '{ print $2 }'| awk -F '\\)' '{ print $1 }')/1000 )) seconds");
echo $output|html2text|tail -n5|sed "s/Creation Date:/Creation Date: $pdate/g" ;
echo -e "this program will upload a package and incpect it, you inputed too few arguments format is\ninspectroku packagename dev_password IPaddress_of_ROKU ";

#this will upload a package and load its key.
rekeyroku ()
if [ "$1" ] && [ "$2" ] && [ "$3" ]; then
uagent='Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)';
output=$(curl --silent --show-error --user-agent "$uagent" --form archive=@$1 --form "passwd=$2" --form "mysubmit=Rekey" "http://$3/plugin_inspect") ;
echo $output |awk -F '<font color="red">' '{ print $2 }'|tr '<' '\n'|head -n 1 ;
echo -e "this program will upload a package and load its key, you inputed too few arguments format is\nrekeyroku packagename dev_password IPaddress_of_ROKU ";

$delroku roku01.local
Delete Succeeded.
$uproku roku01.local
Application Received: 127030 bytes stored.
size on disk is 127030 bytes
$packageroku 'sample video player' 'your_dev_password' roku01.local
--2011-04-29 13:50:24-- http://roku01.local/pkgs/somepackage.pkg
Resolving roku01.local...
Connecting to roku01.local||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 130000 (127K) [text/plain]
Saving to: `somepackage.pkg'

100%[==========================================================================================>] 130,000 --.-K/s in 0.02s

2011-04-29 13:50:24 (5.25 MB/s) - `somepackage.pkg' saved [130000/130000]

$ inspectroku somepackage.pkg devpassword roku01.local
App Name: video player
Creation Date: Fri Apr 29 16:24:37 EDT 2011
$ rekeyroku somepackage.pkg dev_password roku01.local

If you make your own private channels, these scripts will allow you to upload your channel from the linux command line or delete the channel from the command line.
I am working towards a kate script to use make to "make" the roku zip package.
and then use uproku to upload the zip file to my roku automatically.
Kate is a KDE text editor I use for modifying brightscript. hopefully they will add brightscript highlighting soon.

These are bash functions, either you can cut and paste them into your current shell or place them in your bashrc.
or you can make a file per function called the name of the function.
for instance to make uproku into a standalone program create a file called uproku and populate it with text below.

uproku ()
if [ "$1" ] && [ "$2" ]; then
uagent='Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)';
curl --silent --show-error --user-agent "$uagent" --form archive=@$1 --form "mysubmit=Replace" "http://$2/plugin_install" |grep "Application Received:"|tr '>' '\n'|tail -n 1 ;
echo "size on disk is $(ls -alb $1 |awk '{ print $5 }') bytes ";
echo -e "this willupload a zip to a roku, you inputed too few arguments format is\nuproku zipname IPaddress_of_ROKU ";
uproku "$1" "$2";

in the example above you will notice that the function has the same name as the filename of the script. this works because the function will get executed before the local file(except the first time you run the file when the function is not defined yet)..

also you will notice he last line uproku "$1" "$2"; if you were doing a script with three parameters like packageroku the last line would be.
packageroku "$1" "$2" "$3";
or for delroku since it only has one parameter.
delroku "$1";
0 Kudos
Roku Employee
Roku Employee

Re: Bash script interface for the roku web interface.

"manoflinux" wrote:
I dont see a use for rekey

I use rekey daily for a few reasons...

The dev key used to package a channel controls what registry space the channel has access to, so you need to be sure new versions of a channel are packaged using the same key as the old version or else the new version will not have access to data that was stored in the registry by the old version.

It's also good practice to use a different dev key for each channel you build to avoid registry conflicts.

And, unless this changed recently, if you deploy multiple screensavers packaged with the same dev key, weird things will happen (viewtopic.php?f=34&t=30176&p=184319#p184468)
0 Kudos

Re: Bash script interface for the roku web interface.

"RokuChris" wrote:
"manoflinux" wrote:
I dont see a use for rekey

I use rekey daily for a few reasons...

The dev key used to package a channel controls what registry space the channel has access to, so you need to be sure new versions of a channel are packaged using the same key as the old version or else the new version will not have access to data that was stored in the registry by the old version.

It's also good practice to use a different dev key for each channel you build to avoid registry conflicts.

And, unless this changed recently, if you deploy multiple screensavers packaged with the same dev key, weird things will happen (viewtopic.php?f=34&t=30176&p=184319#p184468)

Ok now it makes more sense. give me a minute and I will add rekey.
0 Kudos

Re: Bash script interface for the roku web interface.

so does this mean I should do a telnet roku01.local 8080 and do a genkey for every app?
0 Kudos
Roku Employee
Roku Employee

Re: Bash script interface for the roku web interface.

"manoflinux" wrote:
so does this mean I should do a telnet roku01.local 8080 and do a genkey for every app?

Yes, recommended practice is to use a unique dev key for each channel you build. The exception being the case where you have multiple channels that need access to the same registry space. In that case, those channels would have to be signed with the same key.
0 Kudos

Re: Bash script interface for the roku web interface.

"RokuChris" wrote:
"manoflinux" wrote:
so does this mean I should do a telnet roku01.local 8080 and do a genkey for every app?

Yes, recommended practice is to use a unique dev key for each channel you build. The exception being the case where you have multiple channels that need access to the same registry space. In that case, those channels would have to be signed with the same key.

whats the difference between telnet roku01.local 8080 with a genkey and the rekey button in the interface?
0 Kudos
Roku Employee
Roku Employee

Re: Bash script interface for the roku web interface.

"manoflinux" wrote:
whats the difference between telnet roku01.local 8080 with a genkey and the rekey button in the interface?

genkey generates a brand new key
rekey is for reinstalling an existing key
0 Kudos

Re: Bash script interface for the roku web interface.

"RokuChris" wrote:
"manoflinux" wrote:
whats the difference between telnet roku01.local 8080 with a genkey and the rekey button in the interface?

genkey generates a brand new key
rekey is for reinstalling an existing key

but where does it get the key from?
0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: Bash script interface for the roku web interface.

It gets the key for a rekey operation from the current sideloaded package. So, if you have channelA that was packaged by a team member, and channelB was created by yourself, you can load packageA, rekey your roku box with that one, and then load yours (channelB) as a zipped source file and re-sign it with channelA's key.
0 Kudos

Re: Bash script interface for the roku web interface.

ahhh. makes sense now, its just not obvious. thanks
0 Kudos
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