I've seen some good advice about back button detection, such as making sure dialogs are closed, etc. And I'm not a beginner at all. But my channel has major inconsistencies about when the back button events are captured in event loops. ANY advice about this would be appreciated. Here's my example:
I open an "roGridScreen" and wait loop as usual (code is condensed for brevity):
screen = CreateObject("roGridScreen")
while true
msg = wait(0, port)
if msg <> invalid AND msg.isScreenClosed() then
print "back button on Main Grid DETECTED!"
return ""
end if
'''''more logic that ultimately opens a second grid...
returnState = ShowSecondGrid()
'''''more logic to handle returnState
end while
What I find baffling is that the back button will not work initially. But if I open the second grid, it will respond to "back" and then the primary grid ALSO responds to back, i.e. msg.isScreenClosed()
Any ideas what I'm not catching?