OK, I've adapted the videoplayer example to load up my categories and point to various videos stored on my webserver. It's sideloaded and working on my box. I'm personalizing graphics and, I suppose, finishing v1 of my channel.
v2 requires something I can't figure out yet -- I want a category that plays my mp3 stream. I have all my content properties (bands and artists) as categories - I envision the stream being in the categories with my other content properties, but they will all lead to another leaf of videos and other content, while this is the only thing under it's leaf. I want the stream to play immediately when selecting the category, with transport controls, artist/song, and any branding I can get on that screen.
I'm not seeing how to connect from my Categories.xml to the NPR.brs code that will stream audio. Do I drag the NPR.brs code into my Videoplayer source directory? Is there something in the manifest, or roSpringBoard, or CategoryFeed.brs?
If you could give me a top-level overview of how to incorporate an audio player page such as AudioApp as a category on Videoplayer that would be helpful. I've read through the SDK and the forums and I know I'm missing something basic about how the roku channels are compiled and stored.
Thanks for any help...
Ezraz of Collinwood