This is a request to Roku, as i have determined what I am trying is not possible, that is to play audio in the background, and retrieve the audio index after the function that created the audio player has closed.
The item needed is an audio status message - isPlaying with an index parameter, that works in the background, as the audio does, not only when the creating function is active.
This is needed because you allow audio to play in the background, as in the DeviantArt example in the SDK, but there is no way to sync screen info after the function that creates the roAudioplayer closes. For instance if a user wants to return to the audio page and change tracks, if the playlist has incremented since the audio screen was closed, there is no way to get the current audio index, and therefore sync proper screen info to it.
Creating an index variable in Function A (where the audioplayer is created) and passing it to Function B (say, a slideshow) and passing it back does not work because Function B will not recognize audio status messages from an audioplayer created in Function A, and therefore cannot increment the variable before passing it back.
Please consider this. Thank you.
Kinetics Screensavers