I am working on updating my channel,here is a problem ,I manage to narrow down my problem and can reproduce it here.
I get this error as I tried to move from the spring board to the video screen
Array operation attempted on variable not DIM'd. (runtime error &he7) in ...kg:/source/AppSpringboard.brs(39)039: PlayVideo(videos[msg.GetIndex()])
Function showspringboardscreen(video As <uninitialized>) As Integer
file/line: /tmp/plugin/MBBAAAxy1j0...kg:/source/AppSpringboard.brs(39)
Function showposterscreen(videos As <uninitialized>) As Integer
file/line: /tmp/plugin/MBBAAAxy1j08/pkg:/source/AppMain.brs(82)
Function loadjsonfile() As
file/line: /tmp/plugin/MBBAAAxy1j08/pkg:/source/AppMain.brs(51)
Function main() As
file/line: /tmp/plugin/MBBAAAxy1j08/pkg:/source/AppMain.brs(15)
the springboard seems ok as content data is there
here is the function for the video player
Function PlayVideo(video as object) as integer
If I move from the posterscreen to the videoplayer the each video will play based on the array like here
if type(msg) = "roPosterScreenEvent"
if (msg.isListItemSelected())
'PlayVideo(videos[msg.GetIndex()]) ''This work with this'"2"
else if (msg.isScreenClosed())
any suggestions,I might have been away too long,so I am losing the "mojo"
Channel: Goaheadmission
O/S : Linux
Home media: MYTHROKUPLAYER With Homerun