"garylue" wrote:
Hi -
I have a published public channel that I would like to update. When I submit the new version for approval, how do I control when it goes live once approved? Does the information get carried over (i.e. "Accounts Installed") or does it get reset when updated?
Updates usually get approved fairly soon after they are submitted, updates have a more cursory review process. When we see an update we will usually email you requesting a change list, what has changed in the update from the original published channel.
Any existing users will still have the channel installed and it should update within 24 hours after your update is published. If you want to control the publish date of the update, let us know the details.
Make sure you package the update with the same Devid that was in the original, so that if your channel stores any information in the registry (for example if your channel links to your website and stores a linking code in the registry, or username/password combo) that information will not be lost, forcing your users to re-link their device to your website.
- Joel