Can someone help with this:
Scene.signalBeacon(“AppDialogInitiate”) Scene.signalBeacon(“AppDialogComplete”)
Where should it be placed? In the Main.brs but does it matter where in the code it is placed as long as it is not in the "while" loop? is this correct?
Is this all of the code that goes with it or am I missing part of the code? This goes on a subscription channel and I'm understanding this completes the start and stop of the top screen for subscriber login...
I don't have any errors on Static Analysis but it shows the following as a warning. Seems channel will still be approved with a "warning" message but I'm trying to clean it up and make the fix now instead of later.
For your channel to pass certification, your application must fire the "AppDialogInitiate" and "AppDialogComplete" beacons if the channel UI displays a login, user selection, EULA, or any other dialog before the home page.
Have you found any solution for this?
I'm facing the same issue where this warning message is coming up only in case of AppDialogInitiate and AppDialogComplete
Sorry for delay. Did it get it corrected? I don't recall how my got corrected since it's been awhile. Let me know if you got yours working.
Did you get this solved? I'm wondering the same thing.
So sorry for late reply...
It's been a long time since I worked on it. I just found in one of my packages...this bit of code on the main.brs at the top. I hope this will help. If I can find more info in my file I'll let you know but so far I'm thinking I added this snippet.
Just found the solution. I'll leave it here in case if anybody faces the same issue. To pass this certification requirement, you should fire these beacons !before! scene.signalBeacon("AppLaunchComplete") this.
There's an example: