register the device ID of the device and to check with the device id and status and date
`firstname` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`lastname` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`email` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`password` varchar(25) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`deviceID` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
`regCode` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
`end_date` date NOT NULL,
`creation` date NOT NULL,
`status` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`email`)
I am using the sample file
' *********************************************************
' ** Roku Registration Demonstration App
' ** Support routines
' ** May 2009
' ** Copyright (c) 2009 Roku Inc. All Rights Reserved.
' *********************************************************
'Perform the registration flow
' 0 - We're registered. Proceed
' 1 - We're not registered. The user canceled the process.
' 2 - We're not registered. There was an error
Function doRegistration() As Integer
'xml responses are static, but there are a few flavors available for testing
'Generic case: getRegResult (always returns success)
'Failure case: getRegResult_failure (always returns failure)
'Success case: getRegResult_success (always returns success)
m.UrlBase = ""
m.UrlGetRegCode = m.UrlBase + "/getRegCode"
m.UrlGetRegResult = m.UrlBase + "/getRegResult"
m.UrlWebSite = ""
m.RegToken = loadRegistrationToken()
if isLinked() then
print "device already linked, skipping registration process"
'return 0
regscreen = displayRegistrationScreen()
'main loop get a new registration code, display it and check to see if its been linked
while true
duration = 0
sn = GetDeviceESN()
regCode = getRegistrationCode(sn)
'if we've failed to get the registration code, bail out, otherwise we'll
'get rid of the retreiving... text and replace it with the real code
if regCode = "" then return 2
print "Enter registration code " + regCode + " at " + m.UrlWebSite + " for " + sn
'make an http request to see if the device has been registered on the backend
while true
sleep(5000) ' to simulate going to computer and typing in regcode
status = checkRegistrationStatus(sn, regCode)
if status < 3 return status
getNewCode = false
retryInterval = getRetryInterval()
retryDuration = getRetryDuration()
print "retry duration "; itostr(duration); " at "; itostr(retryInterval);
print " sec intervals for "; itostr(retryDuration); " secs max"
'wait for the retry interval to expire or the user to press a button
'indicating they either want to quit or fetch a new registration code
while true
print "Wait for " + itostr(retryInterval)
msg = wait(retryInterval * 1000, regscreen.GetMessagePort())
duration = duration + retryInterval
if msg = invalid exit while
if type(msg) = "roCodeRegistrationScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed()
print "Screen closed"
return 1
elseif msg.isButtonPressed()
print "Button pressed: "; msg.GetIndex(); " " msg.GetData()
if msg.GetIndex() = 0
regscreen.SetRegistrationCode("retrieving code...")
getNewCode = true
exit while
if msg.GetIndex() = 1 return 1
end while
if duration > retryDuration exit while
if getNewCode exit while
print "poll prelink again..."
end while
end while
End Function
'** display the registration screen in its initial state with the
'** text "retreiving..." shown. We'll get the code and replace it
'** in the next step after we have something onscreen for teh user
Function displayRegistrationScreen() As Object
regsite = "go to " + m.UrlWebsite
regscreen = CreateObject("roCodeRegistrationScreen")
regscreen.AddParagraph("Please link your Roku player to your account by visiting")
regscreen.AddFocalText(" ", "spacing-dense")
regscreen.AddFocalText("From your computer,", "spacing-dense")
regscreen.AddFocalText(regsite, "spacing-dense")
regscreen.AddFocalText("and enter this code to activate:", "spacing-dense")
regscreen.SetRegistrationCode("retrieving code...")
regscreen.AddParagraph("This screen will automatically update as soon as your activation completes")
regscreen.AddButton(0, "Get a new code")
regscreen.AddButton(1, "Back")
return regscreen
End Function
'** Fetch the prelink code from the registration service. return
'** valid registration code on success or an empty string on failure
Function getRegistrationCode(sn As String) As String
if sn = "" then return ""
http = NewHttp(m.UrlGetRegCode)
http.AddParam("partner", "roku")
http.AddParam("deviceID", sn)
http.AddParam("deviceTypeName", "roku")
rsp = http.Http.GetToString()
xml = CreateObject("roXMLElement")
print "GOT: " + rsp
print "Reason: " + http.Http.GetFailureReason()
if not xml.Parse(rsp) then
print "Can't parse getRegistrationCode response"
return ""
if xml.GetName() <> "result"
Dbg("Bad register response: ", xml.GetName())
return ""
if islist(xml.GetBody()) = false then
Dbg("No registration information available")
return ""
'default values for retry logic
retryInterval = 30 'seconds
retryDuration = 900 'seconds (aka 15 minutes)
regCode = ""
'handle validation of response fields
for each e in xml.GetBody()
if e.GetName() = "regCode" then
regCode = e.GetBody() 'enter this code at website
elseif e.GetName() = "retryInterval" then
retryInterval = strtoi(e.GetBody())
elseif e.GetName() = "retryDuration" then
retryDuration = strtoi(e.GetBody())
if regCode = "" then
Dbg("Parse yields empty registration code")
m.retryDuration = retryDuration
m.retryInterval = retryInterval
m.regCode = regCode
return regCode
End Function
'** Check the status of the registration to see if we've linked
'** Returns:
'** 0 - We're registered. Proceed.
'** 1 - Reserved. Used by calling function.
'** 2 - We're not registered. There was an error, abort.
'** 3 - We're not registered. Keep trying.
Function checkRegistrationStatus(sn As String, regCode As String) As Integer
http = NewHttp(m.UrlGetRegResult)
http.AddParam("partner", "roku")
http.AddParam("deviceID", sn)
http.AddParam("regCode", regCode)
print "checking registration status"
while true
rsp = http.Http.GetToString()
xml = CreateObject("roXMLElement")
if not xml.Parse(rsp) then
print "Can't parse check registration status response"
return 2
if xml.GetName() <> "result" then
print "unexpected check registration status response: ", xml.GetName()
return 2
if islist(xml.GetBody()) = true then
for each e in xml.GetBody()
if e.GetName() = "regToken" then
token = e.GetBody()
if token <> "" and token <> invalid then
print "obtained registration token: " + validstr(token)
saveRegistrationToken(token) 'commit it
m.RegistrationToken = token
return 0
return 3
elseif e.GetName() = "customerId" then
customerId = strtoi(e.GetBody())
elseif e.GetName() = "creationTime" then
creationTime = strtoi(e.GetBody())
end while
print "result: " + validstr(regToken) + " for " + validstr(customerId) + " at " + validstr(creationTime)
return 3
End Function
' The retryInterval is used to control how often we retry and
' check for registration success. its generally sent by the
' service and if this hasn't been done, we just return defaults
Function getRetryInterval() As Integer
if m.retryInterval < 1 then m.retryInterval = 30
return m.retryInterval
End Function
' The retryDuration is used to control how long we attempt to
' retry. this value is generally obtained from the service
' if this hasn't yet been done, we just return the defaults
Function getRetryDuration() As Integer
if m.retryDuration < 1 then m.retryDuration = 900
return m.retryDuration
End Function
'Load/Save RegistrationToken to registry
Function loadRegistrationToken() As dynamic
m.RegToken = RegRead("RegToken", "Authentication")
if m.RegToken = invalid then m.RegToken = ""
return m.RegToken
End Function
Sub saveRegistrationToken(token As String)
RegWrite("RegToken", token, "Authentication")
End Sub
Sub deleteRegistrationToken()
RegDelete("RegToken", "Authentication")
m.RegToken = ""
End Sub
Function isLinked() As Dynamic
if Len(m.RegToken) > 0 then return true
return false
End Function
'Show congratulations screen
Sub showCongratulationsScreen()
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
screen = CreateObject("roParagraphScreen")
screen.AddParagraph("You have successfully linked your Roku player to your account")
screen.AddParagraph("Select 'start' to begin.")
screen.AddButton(1, "start")
while true
msg = wait(0, screen.GetMessagePort())
if type(msg) = "roParagraphScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed()
print "Screen closed"
exit while
else if msg.isButtonPressed()
print "Button pressed: "; msg.GetIndex(); " " msg.GetData()
exit while
print "Unknown event: "; msg.GetType(); " msg: "; msg.GetMessage()
exit while
end while
End Sub
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