I realize that I am talking to myself for the mostpart, but just in case any of you frighteningly intelligent folks wish to chime in, I'm trying this now, which I would think should be on the right track... ?
if msg.GetIndex() = 7
Function showVideoScreen(movie As Object)
screen = CreateObject("roVideoScreen")
movie.Stream = { url:"http://video.ted.com/talks/podcast/ElizabethGilbert_2009_480.mp4",
End Function
Obviously, I wouldn't use the actual url in the brightscript like that, but at this point I am trying to isolate where I am going wrong. Once I get the function to work with a hardcoded url in the brightscript, I will tackle parsing it from an xml file.
What's funny is that I am having this much difficulty simply trying to communicate to the Roku:
"IF I press button '7', play this file." And I am too dopey to work that out. Sheesh!