I've seen a bunch of old posts about inaccurate documentation and have experienced it myself. Some of them were related to the roChannelStore and I believe that. So this question is in two parts:
1.) Does anyone have some proven accurate dummy XMLs for the SG Channel Store events? CheckOrder, GetCatalog, GetPurchases, PlaceOrder...
2.) I noticed that GetPurchases() supposedly has fields like: freeTrialQuantity, freeTrialType, productType, cost, etc. but the event from DoOrder() does not. Seems a bit odd that I wouldn't get that information back after doing the purchase order. If I wanted to get fields like that, is this how I have to do it:
A. Call DoOrder()
B. Get purchaseId
C. Call GetPurchases()
D. Loop through list to find purchaseId
Is that really what I have to do in order to get those details?
Are those fields actually on the DoOrder but undocumented?