If I understand correctly (after reading this
http://blog.roku.com/developer/2013/06/06/supporting-in-app-purchases-in-your-roku-brightscript-chan...), then and in-app purchases must be created on the Roku CMS.
We drive the metadata (categories, video titles, descriptions, etc) for all our videos from an existing CMS. It seems that if we want to sell access to any of these videos, we need to manually create each video and assign a price in Roku's CMS as well. It's surprising to me that there is no API to create/edit/delete products in the Roku CMS, unless I've missed something?
It seems that without an API, it's not at all practical to use Roku's in app purchases since you need to duplicate content management in both your own CMS and the Roku billing CMS. Is that true?