"RokuJoel" wrote:
bug filed.
- Joel
The posts in this thread seem to refer to the 5.4.3358 firmware. I seem to be encountering the same problem with the 5.5/410 firmware. Has the previous bug been fixed yet, or is my problem a new one?
I decided to develop a screensaver based on an roScreen component a couple of days ago. This is my first experience with either of those concepts, so I was expecting a few hiccups along the way. I noticed that every time I tried to side-load my development channel when the roScreen code was running, my Roku froze, the side-load operation (using curl) timed out, and none of the remote keys had any effect. The only thing I could do was unplug the Roku and re-boot it. I did not have this problem when running the same code on the 3.1 firmware.
A couple of dozen re-boots later I came upon this thread. I can work around the problem by exiting the channel before doing another side-load, and I got the screensaver finished, so I'm not overly concerned about it any more, just thought I'd let you know it looked like the problem (or a similar one) was still out there.