Roku software update disabled my LG remote from controlling Roku. Had worked fine until this update. Please help me Roku
Hi, Community users!
Thanks for letting us know about the trouble you've encountered with the LG remote controlling your Roku devices.
We have a solution that seems to fix the issue with many users.
This step has been effective for most users affected by the issue.
Note: We'll mark this post as solved for visibility and reference for other users.
Let us know if you are still having the same issue, and we're here to continue helping you.
Thanks for choosing Roku! Happy Streaming! 💜
The Roku Community Team
Same issue. Thanks Roku
@Macspidieand @Johncop64 , try setting Network access under Settings->System->Advanced system settings->Control by mobile apps to Enabled or Permissive.
same issue
@rolandb, same answer.
I tried what renojim recommended and it worked for me. I had to select Permissive.
Thx, I tried that as well, tried each different selection, no go….
On the lg remote a cursor shows up normally. As soon as you go to roku. The cursor disappears and will not work on remote. Strange thing- it worked for several months. I think there was an update
Hi, Community users.
Thanks for posting, regarding the issue you've encountered with the LG remote that no longer works with your Roku devices.
Our team would like to investigate this matter further so we can identify the cause and develop a possible resolution.
To assist us in the investigation, can you please provide the details below:
Once our team gathers the information we requested, we'll be able to proceed with the investigation.
Keep us posted.
LG Remote: akb76040302
roku device model: 3810x Roku streaming stick+
SN: yh00c8907488
device ID: 21317c907488
OS version 14.1
no need to do tracker Id, it never works anymore. As soon as u did the update, it no longer works
I’m hoping for all of us you can resolve this