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Reel Rookie

Re: Audio continuously losing sync on Roku Streaming Stick and Stick+

A big shout out to all those who recommended switching to the Firestick.  I attached one to my TV today and ran the Xfinity Stream app for a good part of the day.   I too can report that (unlike Roku), it worked flawlessly.  No audio out-of-synch issues.    Shame on Roku for not seeming to make this a priority.   I wish I had a quarter for every minute I spent trying to resolve this issue on the Roku.  What a waste of time.

Reel Rookie

Re: Audio continuously losing sync on Roku Streaming Stick and Stick+

is there some way to roll back the problem update? the current situation is pretty d@mned unacceptable, and there are other streaming devices out there.

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Channel Surfer

Re: Audio continuously losing sync on Roku Streaming Stick and Stick+

I have had audio issues for close to a year (my oldest device) Though after the March 2023 update the issues increased and affected my two newer Roku devices (ultra stick and Roku TV) as well.  I have replaced my oldest stick with a fire stick and intend on doing the same with my ultra stick.  I will never buy a Roku product again.  The fact that Roku attempted to put the ownness on Xfinity for 6 months is unacceptable. 

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Reel Rookie

Re: [0S 12.0] Audio out of sync on Xfinity channel

I have had this problem for the last 6 to 9 months and it is getting worse. I can't watch one program on the Xfinity Beta App for more than 15 minutes before it goes out of sync.  I have a Roku Subwoofer and surround sound speakers utilizing an lG OLED Smart TV.. This is extremely frustrating. No problems with the other apps having the audio out of sync.  I am starting to think it has something to do with the Roku speakers since other TVs in the house, using their own internal  speakers do not exhibit this same problem.  So my question is - The audio out of sync caused by the Roku speakers ? or is it Xfinity?

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Channel Surfer

Re: [0S 12.0] Audio out of sync on Xfinity channel

  • If you look in this thread you will see that Roku has finally owned the issue.  This is not an Xfinity issue.  Roku advised they will not have a fix for several months.  Switch to the Amazon fire stick if you don't want to wait it out with Roku.
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Reel Rookie

Re: [0S 12.0] Audio out of sync on Xfinity channel


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Reel Rookie

Re: [0S 12.0] Audio out of sync on Xfinity channel

Several months for a fix seems very unreasonable.  Hopefully Roku does not want to set expectations for a quick fix and then not deliver.  It is hard to understand why Roku cannot put out a roll-back release until a fix is found.  This would at least mitigate the torture that users are being put through.  Roku...can you reply as to why a roll-back release can or cannot be done?

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Channel Surfer

Re: [0S 12.0] Audio out of sync

I agree with this post -  after experiencing this issue regularly for some time now, I saw this post and it does appear that it is when comcast does one of their own commercials this happens. I generally watch the news shows in the mornings so there are  a lot of commercials  -  to test this out I have now switched to the news app to watch  rather than through xfinity streaming to see if the sync issue still occurs.

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Channel Surfer

Re: [0S 12.0] Audio out of sync

To update -  been watching through the news app for an hour now with no issues. Note that the Comcast commercials do not air - in their place is a notice that we are on a commercial break. In my opinion this seems to verify that this is an xfinity issue and not a Roku issue.

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Channel Surfer

Re: [0S 12.0] Audio out of sync

I watch CNN on the xfinity app on Roku and also have the CNN app on Roku (which is signed in through my comcast account).... I have run both CNN on the xfinity app AND the CNN app on two TV's side by side.  The CNN app on xfinity constantly has sound issues...but the CNN direct app (signed in with comcast account) does NOT have the problems at all...  which I think would rule out the CNN feed to xfinity... but sure leads to roku and xfinity not working together... I also don't understand how technically the sound and picture get disconnected when the feeds to Roku do not send a picture and a sound signal separately.

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