Hi roku family,
a few days ago i explored the roku sdk and brightscript ... i want to know if there any way to create web browser on this plateform , as without accessing the web component there are a lot of limitation... I think we should think about it and try to figure out some solution ...
Greetings from the Roku Community, @harshjeet!
Please be advised that Roku streaming devices and Roku TVs do not have a web browser that allows users to browse the internet. However, Roku devices do allow users to stream video and music from the internet.
If there's anything else that we can do to assist you, please let us know.
All the best,
It is expressly prohibited to publish a web browser for Roku devices. If you want to do it as an exercise (probably in futility), you're welcome to try, but don't expect any help from Roku. There are other forums (Slack comes to mind) with Roku developers that would probably be more helpful.
Greetings from the Roku Community, @harshjeet!
Please be advised that Roku streaming devices and Roku TVs do not have a web browser that allows users to browse the internet. However, Roku devices do allow users to stream video and music from the internet.
If there's anything else that we can do to assist you, please let us know.
All the best,
Yes, you could make a sensible comment as to WHY? an internet browser for Roku.
The answer that a user can stream from another device is a “cop out” in my opinion.
i had to buy a Firestick because they have a browser. When I can a webpage from my device there is zero sound!!!!!
Get caught up with the technology and overwhelming requests from customers requesting as such! Is Roku not listening?