They have great support when your product is under warranty, but they cut you off once they stop supporting the device. Sorry!
True, but there is an "out", at least in my case.
First, I have more than one Roku device. The problem is identical on all of them, because the problem is NOT in the Roku device. It cannot possibly be in the Roku device: it has to be in the Roku servers, because that's the only place the program and follow data can be.
I have E-mail messages where Roku 'support' people admitted that this is true. The problem is in their servers, and can only be fixed at their end. If you push hard on this fact, you can get around the "your device isn't supported" issue.
But, in my case, one of my Roku devices is actually a TCL Roku-based TV: and it's new enough that it has to still be under support.
Don't be afraid to push hard on this issue, it can't get any worse than it is now.
Right now, I've been trying to push the real issue: which is, "I don't care how it happened, just delete the spurious entries". This is what is REALLY wrong with Roku support. They're spending much more time and effort and money into denying there is a problem, or ignoring the problem, than it would take for someone at their end to go into the database and remove the bad entries.
I truly do not understand why they can't just do the simple fix and be done with it.
@BartZLederman wrote:True, but there is an "out", at least in my case. First, I have more than one Roku device. The problem is identical on all of them, because the problem is NOT in the Roku device. It cannot possibly be in the Roku device: it has to be in the Roku servers, because that's the only place the program and follow data can be.
I have E-mail messages where Roku 'support' people admitted that this is true. The problem is in their servers, and can only be fixed at their end. If you push hard on this fact, you can get around the "your device isn't supported" issue....Don't be afraid to push hard on this issue, it can't get any worse than it is now....
I truly do not understand why they can't just do the simple fix and be done with it.
AMEN!!! Thanks, Bart. I concur with all that you've written.
Unfortunately, I can't find any direct contact info (e-mail? phone number?) to push hard as you recommend. I'm cut off at the "your device is not supported page". All I seem able to do is complain on this forum, but that has gone nowhere, and I started many weeks ago. Apparently, they have no Roku personnel monitoring the support forum like other, more customer-responsible companies do.
You confirm what I've thought all along - the problem is not with my device - under warranty or not (and why are 3600's still supported but 3710's are not?). My Roku device works perfectly well in every way - except for this clog in "My Feed" obviously caused by Roku developers' discontinuation - both unannounced and botched - of a certain "follow" feature (i.e., "follow actor").
Too many similar problems have occurred in other people's "My Feed" for various reasons for this to be an issue with our individual devices - you are proof of this. Our problems with "My Feed" are in Roku's servers. Their addressing or ignoring such issues will inevitably affect their future reputation and popularity.
Thanks for your post, Bart.
I just thought of something, if you are on twitter. If they won't help you, because of the device you are on, go to their support account and send them a private message. I've gotten lots of customer support from different companies going this route:
@Misscrf wrote:I just thought of something, if you are on twitter. If they won't help you, because of the device you are on, go to their support account and send them a private message. I've gotten lots of customer support from different companies going this route:
Thank you for the tip, Misscrf! Unfortunately, I'm not on Twitter. I found that social media always end up increasing my stress (and BP). I cancelled all my accounts some time ago and found "peace at last". But I did lose perks like this one you've suggested. I've decided to just give up on this issue with Roku. But again, I do appreciate your trying to help!
So I found an answer that worked for me:
If "unfollow" doesn't appear on your home screen's "my feed" list of shows, then:
It's more steps than unfollowing a movie, but it did the trick for me.
Unfortunately, that didn't work for me. It was one of the first things we tried, and I had to try it multiple times over a month or two, each time Roku contacted me. I eventually had to capture doing this on video to convince them it didn't work. I believe others here on this subject have tried the same.
If the problem has only just happened to you, then it's worth trying. However, for at lease several of us here, it hasn't worked.
unfortunately for many of the things in there the show or movie in question is nolonger searchable and therefore cannot be removed the way I suggested, I think Roku should keep things searchable even after they are removed from channels. unfortunately after a period of time things end up not being searchable anymore and the fact they changed the feed it makes it much more difficult. I used to be able to remove my feed items from the android app but I can't do that anymore, Thanks for making something that was supposed to be cool really frustrating for many of us Roku. you really need to add a definitive way to remove the shows and movies without all of this frustration.
I've just received a call from Roku.
They've created an updated version of the Roku software, 11.5.0, which they asked me to test. I was skeptical, but I did it.
It did make a change: it completely wiped out everything from the "My Feed" list: the things I didn't want, and the things I did. Going to "My Feed" gives you a text window that says it's being replaced with "Save List".
Roku asked me to test "Save List", saying it's supposed to show up under "What to Watch". However, I checked, and "Save List" and "What to Watch" do not show up anywhere on my device. I have to read off the entire menu of what is available on the home page twice before the support person finally admitted that they had a problem at their end: they were not supposed to wipe out my selections from "My Feed", and there should be something called "What to Watch" on the main menu.
So it appears that there are some new really huge deficiencies in version 11.5.0 . The old feature doesn't work at all, and it's replacement can't be found anywhere.
At their request I also searched for something that was on my My Feed, and when I selected it it said I could remove it from "Save List". So it's just possible that what was previously on "My Feed" was transferred over to "Save List", and might even become available gain. One can only hope that if and when they finally manage to get it on to customer systems properly, that it will be possible to remove the things you didn't want to follow, and that it won't randomly add things you never asked for.
In the best case scenario, they may have decided that instead of trying to fix "My Feed" they will just start over again from scratch. This is not unreasonable, but so far they haven't been able to get the new feature to work, and they certainly have not tested it properly before pushing it out to the customers.
You may have to toggle (enable) the "What to Watch" feature to your Home Screen from the Settings menu for it to appear. You can show/hide various features.
Settings/Home Screen/What to Watch/[Show]
As for the option existing to remove content from the Save List that you had in your My Feed (although not currently showing in Save List), hopefully this is a good indicator that this content will be integrated and that it is simply not yet fully implemented. I really liked the My Feed so holding out hope.
Still not sure how it will handle "not yet available" content, since I searched for not-yet released content and it did not show up in Search Results so, obviously, unable to "Add to Save List" for future viewing. (a past feature of the My Feed).