I recently set up photo stream and it was working fine a week later someone else photos appear on my photo stream and it keeps happening. Every week its a diiferent person photos on my tv I went into Roku site and disabled photo stream on all my Roku devices then the photo stream starts again on its own. Still its other people photos for the past 2 weeks i keep disabling it but it keeps coming back on and Roku support has no way of helping me stop it. I keep hitting disable then it keeps enable on its own. This is frustrating how can I stop people photos from showing up on my tv or how can I keep it disabled
I have an interesting one for you: Last night we flipped on the Roku stick and were greeted by someone ELSE's photo stream. Pictures of their newborn baby. Which was cute, by the way, but an invasion of their privacy that we couldn't stop or reset- only click on to Hulu and ignore it. I checked my account and I am still signed in and my photo stream is still selected. Yet Roku is show me "Craig's" baby picture. Any ideas?
Let's rule out the obvious first.
Go to https://my.roku.com and log in. Then scroll all the way down. See that list of devices at the bottom? Is your Roku listed there? And do you recognize all of the Roku devices listed there?
Roku Community Streaming Expert
Note: I am not a Roku employee.
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you must didnt read the part where I stated I disabled it on ALL my Roku devices
@NerfHerder1, you're the second person I've seen reporting getting someone else's photos. Bringing this to the attention of @RokuMary-F , @RokuDanny-R .
Other report: https://community.roku.com/t5/Roku-Device-Features-Settings-Updates/someone-else-photos-on-my-photo-...
Yes I did, but I was going to get as much information about the setup as possible in order to figure out why you're getting what you're getting. But, since you don't want that, I'll move along now.
Roku Community Streaming Expert
Note: I am not a Roku employee.
If this post solves your problem please help others find this answer and click "Accept as Solution."
I had this exact thing happen yesterday and I thought I was going crazy. A stranger’s photo stream started playing during my screensaver. I exited the screensaver, reopened it, and another random person’s stream started playing. I’m not sure what was going on, but I deleted my photo stream in case it’s playing on someone else’s Roku
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the posts.
We would be more than happy to look further into this issue for you, but need more details. Can you please provide us the following information:
-Roku device model, serial number, device ID, and software OS/version (these can all be found in Settings > System > About)
-tracker ID when this issue occurs (when you see this issue occur, press the Home button 5 times, followed by the Back button 5 times)
-steps to reproduce the issue you are seeing
Once we have this information, we will be able to pass it along to the appropriate Roku team to investigate further.