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Binge Watcher

Re: Remove "Categories" and "Browse" from Home Screen

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This **bleep** just pisses me off! Why do they do this **bleep**....I came home today and found this annoying 'Categories' **bleep** messin' up my home screen only to find that I can't remove it. That's the last straw for me. I'm gonna try the TV's native .O.S......Who are the out of touch idiots that come up with this **bleep** anyway?

Binge Watcher

Re: Remove "Categories" and "Browse" from Home Screen

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They've had the worst customer service on the planet for years, and now this 'catergories' on the home screen nonsense! They don't even understand their own customers. You would think that by now they would get that the Roku user likes uncluttered simplicity. If not, they would just stick with the TV's native O.S.



Binge Watcher

Re: Remove "Categories" and "Browse" from Home Screen

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I swear they just 'update' stuff for the sake of updating stuff ....and it ALWAYS makes it worse. How about when they combined searching for apps and movies into one search field. NOW IT'S AN INEFFICIENT FREAKING NIGHTMARE! 

I wonder who the MENSA hero that came up with that disaster is. 

Roku Guru

Re: Remove "Categories" and "Browse" from Home Screen

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Our worst nightmare: Roku transforming into Amazon Fire.

Channel Surfer

Re: Remove "Categories" and "Browse" from Home Screen

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I just updated my router and installed pi-hole so that I could get rid of the obnoxious ads on my TCL Roku TV that TCL were shoving down my throat. Not a week later and now Roku is forcing this nonsense on me. 

When was the concept of me owning the product that I paid for lost? Every TV, every cloud device, computer, phone or service has corporations digging through my data and trying to sell me something while continuing to make money off of me AFTER our business relationship has come to a close. You offered me a product. I purchased it. Our relationship is over. I don't care if advertising revenue offsets the cost of production. That's your problem. All I want is full and complete control of MY product. 

Reel Rookie

Re: Remove "Categories" and "Browse" from Home Screen

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I second that this should be removable. I even think it should be turned on by default so that users know it exists, but there should always be a way to remove it.

My guess is, just like the ads on the home screen, Roku gets revenue from channel partners when they convert a user into a subscriber... and these links are an attempt to have more users browsing these additional channel partners.

Be careful Roku. You've got a good thing going... but you certainly wouldn't be the first company (or the last) to turn a good product into a turd by over-monetizing it. Adding this type of clutter to the home screen without providing an option to remove it is shady.

Please add the ability to remove this unwanted home screen content.

Channel Surfer

Re: Remove "Categories" and "Browse" from Home Screen

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I don't want this. As soon as I saw it I went looking for the "hide" setting, which isn't there. WTF?

And it's right smack in between the apps I use the most - i.e. the ones at the 'start' of the app list and at the 'end' of the (circular) app list - which used to be conveniently adjacent.

Edit:  and BTW, "Food", "Home", and "Sports" are the three 'Categories' I'm LEAST interested in!.


new home page content - how to remove new home page content

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how do i remove the new **bleep** from my home screen?


  • 'categories and browse' on my screen. i will absolutely never use them. at least give opportunity to hide them. it us JUNK to me.

Re: Remove "Categories" and "Browse" from Home Screen

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Agree with everyone here, just adding my voice.  Every time the Roku updates, it adds stuff I don't want.  And this most recent time, I can't even turn it off.  Horrible.  Allow us to disable this feature and stop adding junk to my home screen.

Roku Guru

Re: Remove "Categories" and "Browse" from Home Screen

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It's just downright ridiculous.

A company becomes number 1 by offering a home screen that's famously simple and clutter-free. Then they decide to fix what isn't broken.

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