On accessing Disney +, it is not remembering the login details and we are prompted each time to enter 'Username' and 'Password'.
It is not offering us the opportunity to 'Remove channel' option on Disney+ as it does with all the other Apps.
In effect, we're stuck in a loop of having to enter login details every time we wish to view Disney+ which is very time consuming.
Be very grateful if anyone can throw any light on this and offer any solutions.
We have considered cancelling our subscription and then renewing to see if this resets everything. But this is the final resort.
Many thanks
It usually won't allow you to remove a channel if you have an active subscription through Roku. Check at https://my.roku.com/account/subscriptions . Is it possible that you have a subscription through Disney as well as through Roku?
Hi @AT70,
Thanks for the post.
For more information about that channel's authentication and functionality, you'll want to contact Disney + support directly to inquire further. Many channels on Roku are developed and maintained by the channel provider themselves.
You can reach their support team here: https://help.disneyplus.com/csp?id=csp_index