New Kanopy version 6.0 not available as automatic or manual update.
Cannot access any program in current 4.0 version (error message code R-400), as update mandatory to latest version.
System restart, uninstalling and re-installing channel fails to detect newest version.
No issue updating mobile app to Kanopy 6.0.
Will new version be available on Roku?
The 3400 is a pretty old Roku, first released in 2011, and Roku version 9.1 is the last Roku operating system it is compatible with. Version 9.2 was released in September 2019, and there have been 8 OS versions issued since then, with version 12.5 being rolled out now.
The Kanopy website says it can be used on Rokus running versions 7.5+, but my guess is this info is out of date and that they have dropped support for some of those older versions, as maintaining code for dwindling numbers of older models complicates the app.
I have version 6.0 (build 20231025). What's the model number and software version for your device displayed under Settings->System->About?
Device model: 3400x
Software version: 9.1.0
No new updates since Apr. 22'23
The 3400 is a pretty old Roku, first released in 2011, and Roku version 9.1 is the last Roku operating system it is compatible with. Version 9.2 was released in September 2019, and there have been 8 OS versions issued since then, with version 12.5 being rolled out now.
The Kanopy website says it can be used on Rokus running versions 7.5+, but my guess is this info is out of date and that they have dropped support for some of those older versions, as maintaining code for dwindling numbers of older models complicates the app.
I kinda thought my Roku stick out of date; thanks for the detailed explanation regarding my issue.
@Dingopete27, Roku usually has deals for users with obsolete devices.
Black Friday is also coming up when Roku usually has a cheap player at Walmart, Target, etc. Note that I treat those devices as disposable since they're cheap and you sometimes get what you pay for.