What did they say to you? Were they threatening at all!? This is a huuuge concern! Did you figure out what the connection is between you and the people that could see you?
Hi, nothing was being said. I finally out it had to be my now ex because he knew things that went on when he wasn't hear and used to repeat parts of my phone conversations back to me with different people. Crazy thing is this is the 2nd guy I've had this happen with so I Changed all my settings on everything and updated all of passwords and I also took the roku app off of my phone. Also turn off camera, microphone, and mirroring in your TV settings.
There is something to this comment. I’ve experienced my tv going to screen saver after I leave a room for a prolonged period of time but if I stay in the room there is no change.
There is no mystery. The screen saver is set to come on after a period of inactivity on the Roku device/TV or remote.
You can disable that in the settings.